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HomeLatest NewsGestair, the jet company that the PSOE pays to Sánchez, has been...

Gestair, the jet company that the PSOE pays to Sánchez, has been entrusted with the maintenance of the Falcon

PSOE uses company private jets Gestair every time the president of the government, Pedro Sanchez, renounces using the fleet’s planes Falcon that you have at your disposal. There are rare occasions when this happens, almost always during election periods or for purely private reasons, such as a getaway to Andorra with Begoña Gomez last weekend. The aeronautical firm is also the company that won the maintenance contracts for the Falcon And Airbus of the Government. Contracts which have ensured a turnover close to 90 million euros.

As reported by OKDIARIO, Sánchez, his wife and daughters used a private flight to travel from Madrid to Girona and, from there, make the jump to the luxury hotel in Andorra where they spent the weekend. The private jet belongs to Gestaira company specializing in this type of flights that manages a large portfolio of private jets. These are planes owned by businessmen or athletes that are rented out when they are not using them.

The PSOE uses this company when it needs a flight for Sánchez and does not want to open the debate on the excessive use of the Falcon for partisan events in the middle of an election period – apart from that, it uses state planes – or when it is a purely personal trip. Like last weekend.

It turns out that it is the same company that carries out the inspection and maintenance work on the Falcon 900 and Airbus A310 of the 45th Armed Forces Group. The military unit on which this fleet of aircraft for the VIPs of the Government and the Royal Family depends. The contracts awarded so far by the Sánchez government total around 87 million euros.

Private flights

Of all these flights carried out by Pedro Sánchez in a private jet and negotiated by the PSOE with Gestair, the first took place on May 23, 2019There were exactly three trips on the same day: Madrid-Palma, Palma-Barcelona and Barcelona-Madrid, in the final stretch of the campaign of municipal and regional elections four years ago. A few months later, in October and November 2019, Sánchez used the same private Falcon on six more occasions.

At that time, the leader of the PSOE and then temporary tenant of La Moncloa – thanks to the motion of censure against Rajoy – was in full swing towards the general elections of 10 November 2019, which gave rise to the formation of the current Government of the PSOE and Unidas Podemos. And less than two years later, In September 2021, the Ministry of Defense awarded to the technical maintenance subsidiary of Gestair (Gestair Maintenance SL) two public contracts. One of them, for 59 million euros and with a minimum validity of four years, consists of having the fleet of Airbus A310 and Falcon-900 aircraft of the Air Force, among which is the official Falcon that Pedro Sánchez has used extensively at the expense of the State and which is prohibited from participating in partisan campaigns or pre-campaign events. The other contract awarded by Defense to Gestair, for 5.5 million eurosis intended for the maintenance of the Cessna Citation V aircraft fleet, also for a minimum period of four years.

Although these two contracts from the Ministry of Defense were approved on September 2, 2021, the two contracts were not officially signed until the 29th of the same month, when they came into force. Gestair therefore continues to benefit from these million-dollar commissions. You guaranteed them until September 28, 2025but, in addition, the Government has already expressly stipulated in the two contracts that it provides extension of 12 additional monthsBoth were awarded to Gestair through a “negotiated with publicity” procedure.

To these 64.5 million euros for these two rewards from the Ministry of Defense that he heads Marguerite Robles An additional 22.83 million euros are added for another order from the Sánchez government, in this case a contract signed by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, of which the socialist is in charge. Therese Ribera. Pedro Sánchez’s private jet airline received this third government order on June 30, 2022, an award processed by “accelerated open” procedureas stated in the official file. The declared object is “the design, certification and supply of 11 modernization kits for the fleet of CL-215T Series 5 amphibious aircraft of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge”. The modernization involved 10 of the 14 aircraft that make up this air fleet linked to forest firefighting devices.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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