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Get lost so as not to go haywire


Each generation needs expressions where their enthusiasms live. Nowadays, we overuse words that eventually lose their importance, such as leadership or empathy. Self-absorption is a disused word that nevertheless denotes a current need, because it refers to the act of withdrawing into privacy to abstract oneself and to be able to promote concentration on one’s own thoughts. Looking further, the ability to absorb also denotes the power to captivate and fascinate.

Life is not understood by what circumstances have done to it, but by what it itself does from its own intimacy. To live is to coexist between oneself and things, and to prefer certain things to others. And when we live projected into the future, the decision which marks the rhythm of life is the next one, and not the previous one, the north of which is determined by the chosen choice. To enchant ourselves with serenity in our incorruptible depths, in front of a polished mirror which reflects us as we are, trains us to face things and others, and to think in order to do. Man is born into a world without meaning and devotes his life to discovering the meaning of the world.


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