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HomeLatest NewsGet to know Madrid's 'Middle Earth'

Get to know Madrid’s ‘Middle Earth’

In the mountains of northern Madrid, a unique experience has been created for lovers of nature and fantasythe Way of the Ring. A hiking route inspired by the work “The Lord of the Rings” by JRR Tolkien which invites walkers to embark on a 122 kilometer crossing through landscapes that evoke “Middle Earth”. Developed by the “Laudato Si Foundation”, the itinerary not only invites you to explore the natural beauty of the area, but also offers an inner journey of self-discovery and reflection.

The Way of the Ring is more than just a path, it is a pilgrimage that seeks to connect walkers to the epic adventure of Frodo Baggins and the Company of the Ring. Throughout its eight sectionsTotaling 128 kilometers, hikers will be able to experience the sensation of crossing the same mythical places that men, dwarves, elves and hobbits have traveled in their fight against evil.

A journey to “Middle Earth” in the heart of the Madrid mountains

The route begins in El Berrueco, the “Hobbiton” of this path, and heads towards Bree (Buitrago de Lozoya), passing by the Cima de los Vientos on Cerro Piñuecar, a point that recalls the battle between the ghosts of the ring and the heroes of Tolkien’s story. The route continues towards the Forest of the Elves and Rivendell (La Hiruela), an enclave where hikers can stop for reflectsurrounded by serenity And beauty which evokes the house of Elrond.

The journey continues from Rivendell to Moria (Puebla de la Sierra) and Lorien (El Atazar), two stages that immerse the walker in mountain and valley landscapes that seem to have been taken directly from Tolkien’s novel. Subsequently, you reach Rohan (Patones) and finally Gondor (Torrelaguna), where the liberation from evils represented by the “rings”, these burdens that everyone carries in their daily life.

After symbolically getting rid of their “rings”, the walkers return to El Berrueco, thus completing the circle of this adventure. This return to Hobbiton symbolizes the return to everyday life, but with a new perspectiveenriched by the experience of the road. As in Tolkien’s work, the journey on the Path of the Ring is not only a journey through magnificent landscapes, but an adventure that transform to those who undertake it, by helping them rediscover the value of the simple and the beautiful.

A spiritual experience

What sets the Ring Road apart from other trails is its ability to combine adventure with a deep spiritual experience. Inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si”, which calls for greater respect and attention to nature, this itinerary seeks to awaken in walkers a sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty of the environment. The “Laudato Si Foundation” has designed the route not only as a tribute to Tolkien’s work, but also as a tool to help people who decide to embark on this magical journey towards disconnect from the daily hustle and bustle and reconnect with your spirituality by God.

The Ring Path is also a reflection of the commitment of the “Laudato Si Foundation” to the sustainability and the environmental protection. Through this route, the organization promotes a conscious and respectful tourism model, inviting walkers not only to enjoy nature, but also to commit to taking care of our planet, our own “Middle Earth”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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