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Giant structures discovered beneath its surface

Giant structures discovered beneath the surface of Mars of unknown origin that has launched several theories. Science fiction lovers will be lucky, because they will be able to start thinking about a red planet that hides great secrets inside. The time will come to start thinking about everything that awaits us. A change of course that could end up affecting us fully in a few days to which we must prepare. The future goes hand in hand with this space exploration that can prove fundamental.

Humanity is heading towards a new space race that has on this path a new reality that will end up becoming the one that we must begin to put into practice. Without a doubt, we must begin to visualize certain transformations that will be those that will accompany us in the days that await us and that could end up being essential. The news coming from Mars is proof of everything that is needed to begin to study, from a distance and even without setting foot there we already know a lot about this intriguing planet.

Mars holds incredible secrets

The incredible secrets that Mars keeps inside multiply, especially if we take into account everything that this red planet reveals to us, which seems to bring us important news. So, until now, we would never have imagined what is in this place of the solar system.

Because of its proximity and safety, Mars is the planet that is at a suitable temperature to be visited in the future. Mercury or Venus are too close to the sun to have life, or at least, as we know it, in addition to presenting an enormous risk.

Mars was the main objectivel many investigations from different countries. Unmanned missions have provided essential details and that can really provide us with the most valuable information. It is about getting down to business, which is why it would have ended up generating more than one conspiracy theory. The mystery surrounding the red planet is growing.

Strange sculptures that appeared on Mars

This discovery may be the one that marks the future of a planet that can give us more than one unexpected joy in these times. What is on this planet could become an object of study for the first astronauts who will have a job the day they arrive at this place in the universe.

As NASA experts explain in the magazine europlanet Society: “Studies of gravity variations on Mars have revealed dense, large-scale structures hidden beneath the sedimentary layers of a lost ocean. The analysis, which combines models and data from several missions, also shows that active processes in the Martian mantle could provide impetus to the largest volcano in the solar system, Olympus Mons. The results were presented this week at the Europlanet Science Congress (EPSC) in Berlin by Bart Root of Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).

Mars has many hidden structures, such as ice deposits, but the features discovered on the northern polar plains remain a mystery because they are covered by a thick, smooth layer of sediment that is thought to have been deposited on the ancient seafloor. “These dense structures could be volcanic in origin or could be compacted material due to ancient impacts. “We identified about 20 features of various sizes scattered around the area surrounding the northern polar cap, one of which resembles the shape of a dog,” said Dr Root. “There does not appear to be any trace of them on the surface. “However, thanks to the gravity data, we have a tantalising glimpse into the earliest history of the northern hemisphere of Mars.” Dr Root and colleagues at TU Delft and Utrecht University used small deviations in the satellites’ orbits to study Mars’ gravity field and find clues about the internal distribution of the planet’s mass. This data was fed into models that use new observations from NASA’s Insight mission of the thickness and flexibility of the Martian crust, as well as the dynamics of the planet’s mantle and deep interior, to create a global density map of Mars. The density map shows that the north polar features are about 300 to 400 kg/m3 denser than their surroundings. However, the study also revealed new information about the structures underlying the massive Tharsis Rise volcanic region, which includes the colossal Olympus Mons volcano. Although the volcanoes are very dense, the Tharsis area is much higher than the average surface area of ​​Mars and is bordered by a region of relatively low gravity. This gravitational anomaly is difficult to explain by looking solely at differences between the Martian crust and the upper mantle. Dr Root and his team’s study suggests that a light mass about 1,750 kilometres wide and located at a depth of 1,100 kilometres is providing an upward thrust to the entire Tharsis region. This could be explained by a huge plume of lava, buried deep inside Mars, travelling towards the surface. “NASA’s InSight mission has given us vital new information about the hard outer shell of Mars. This means we need to rethink how we understand the support for the Olympus Mons volcano and its surroundings,” said Dr Root. “This shows that Mars may still have active movements within it, affecting and possibly creating new volcanic features on the surface.” Dr Root is part of the team proposing the Martian Quantum Gravity Mission (MaQuls), which aims to use technology developed for missions such as GRAIL and GRACE on the Moon and Earth, respectively, to map Mars’ gravitational field in detail: “Observations with MaQuIs would allow for a better exploration of the subsurface of Mars.” “This would help us to uncover more about these mysterious hidden features and to study continuous mantle convection, as well as to understand dynamic surface processes such as atmospheric seasonal changes and the detection of groundwater reservoirs,” said Dr. Lisa Wörner of DLR, who presented the MaQuIs mission at EPSC2024 this week.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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