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HomeLatest NewsGonzález Gago salutes the "spirit of solidarity" of Castilian and Leonese society...

González Gago salutes the “spirit of solidarity” of Castilian and Leonese society expressed through its almost 300 NGOs

The advisor to the Presidency, Luis Miguel González Gago, praised this Monday the “spirit of solidarity” of the Castilian and Leonese society, which is transmitted through its almost 300 NGOs. Specifically, up to 294, as reflected in the total registered in the Registry of Community Cooperation Agents, cited by González during the opening ceremony of the Coodefest Castilla y León Solidarity Festivalin the Plaza de la Concordia in Salamanca.

The festival, which starts this Monday with the participation of around thirty associations, is an initiative of the Ministry of the Presidency which seeks “to make visible the invaluable work of these NGOs”. During this festive day, animated by games, concerts and exhibitions, these organizations present their work to the inhabitants of Castile and León, especially the youngest, in a “fun and friendly” way, and offer the possibility of collaborating in their different projects, either through its volunteer programs, or financially, for those who wish.

During his speech, the councilor referred to the IV Master Plan for Development Cooperation 2023-2026 of the Government of Castile and León, which has, among its strategic lines, the organization of citizenship education activities, such as this one, which this year consolidates as a “reference event” of the Council to make citizens understand the importance of getting involved in the work of NGOs. In the words of González Gago, “It’s about raising awareness to Castilian and Leonese society on the reality of poor countries, while promoting a change of attitudes and values ​​in the face of the injustices of the world.

Without the existence of NGOs, it would be very difficult for volunteer or professional humanitarians to continue working in the field as they currently do. This is why, during this event, NGOs explain opportunities for active collaboration that they offer to those who wish to be part of international volunteer teams. Currently, more than 2,300 Castilian and Leonese volunteers are involved in cooperation projects, reports Ical.

The third region with the most cooperators

Furthermore, of the more than 2,700 Spaniards who currently work professionally in development cooperation, 354 are Castilian and Leonese. This means that this autonomous community contributes 13 percent of cooperators Spanish professionals. Castilla y León is thus in third position in terms of total cooperators in the ranking of autonomous communities, only behind Madrid and Catalonia.

The advisor also recalled that in 2024, the increase in the amount of the Council’s contribution of Castile and León to help the poorest and neediest countries, since the 25 percent increase in this amount last year. In total, six million euros annually. According to the advisor, the intensification of aid to NGOs means that these organizations can “cover more projects in more regions of the world”, intervening in more than 60 countries to guarantee respect for fundamental human rights “as important as the right to food.” , to health, to drinking water or education.

The inaugural event was opened by the mayor of Salamanca, Carlos García Carbayo, who stressed in his speech that with this event it is about “helping” the different participating associations and doing it “in a coordinated way” so that in the end, it is more “effective”. The Salamanca City Council offers, in this case, the space, the Plaza de la Concordia, for the celebration of the festival.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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