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HomeLatest News"Good" expectations for the mycological campaign

“Good” expectations for the mycological campaign

THE Autumn mycological campaign in Castilla y Leónthe most important in terms of production and variety of species, is “very good” in all the provinces blessed by the successive danas, and will be “exceptional” in Burgos and Soria, provinces where it has been raining heavily for nine days and progressively.

The Foundation of the Center for Forestry Services and Promotion and its Industry of Castilla y León (Cesefor) reports that a “very good” start to the campaign in terms of production is expected in the last two weeks of September. This year for San Miguel (September 29) to Burgos and Soria, there will therefore be an abundance of “migueles” or porcini mushrooms, reports Ical.

The good predictable mycological campaign is also supported by the 846 permits issued during the first five days of September by the Soria Mountains Associationwhich manages the largest mycological park in Spain with 165,000 hectares and 95 connected sites.

The director of Montes de Soria, José Antonio Vega, explained that in the last 15 days the group has processed 1,039 permits, compared to 346 issued in 2023 on the same dates. The majority of the permits issued were to local collectors. “The campaign should be very good at the beginning. It has been raining gradually and The soil has transported moisture. In addition, The temperatures are ideal for the species to bear fruit. and the specific hailstorms that occurred in mid-August further favor the fruiting of the species.

The mountains of the region will produce boletus of different species, mountain eels, chanterelles, oyster mushrooms and amanitas. In addition, in 15 days, chanterelles can also bear fruit.

To collect mushrooms in Castilla y León, it is necessary to issue the corresponding permit in the town halls and official points; there are collection limits per person, per day and per type of permit; and very mature specimens should not be collected. The decree of Castilla y León recommends Do not trample or damage mushrooms you are not going to eat. and requires the collector to respect the forest in order to guarantee the sustainability of the forest.

Collection pressure

The Montes de Soria Association is not currently considering limiting the issuance of permits to stop the pressure in the province’s forests. In this sense, the official indicated that although there is increasing pressure in certain areas and on certain days, work is underway to publicize other mushroom-producing areas among the mycotourists and local collectors.

“I believe that some sites have been publicized and work is underway to inform all regulated areas to reduce the pressure. In addition, an attempt is being made to provide information on other species of interest with edible value. When they call us by phone, we make them aware of other territories in the park so that mycotourists can disperse through the forests,” he stressed, acknowledging that the pressure can only be controlled by environmental agents and Seprona.

From Montes de Soria, it is specified that the collection causes “Fever” among mycotouristsand stressed that there must be a willingness on the part of administrations to work in the same direction and not to seek to “publicise” certain sites.

The “Geographic Information System on the Production, Use and Management of Mycological Resources in Castilla y León (Micodata)” estimates that there could be 567,715 local collectors in the region. Furthermore, the importance of the resource is reflected in the fact that, taking into account the estimated potential collection capacity, up to 65 million euros per year in direct income for collectors from the purchase and sale of major commercial species.

The beginning of fruiting of autumn species of Edible wild mushrooms are influenced to a large extent by the temperature and precipitation regime. recorded during the autumn months (mainly September and part of October) which directly affect the state of water reserves in the upper layers of the soil.

Mycological production depends on soil moisture by 60 percent. In addition, the physiological state of the tree with which they are associated and Organisms that live in the soil (bacteria) also condition the campaign.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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