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Government admits it will not be able to close the agreement with the ERC if the PP does not support the reform of the LOFCA

In order to advance in the agreement with Esquerra Republicana, regarding the “single financing of Catalonia”, the government admits that it must promote the reform of the LOFCA, the organic law on financing of the autonomous communities. And for this to happen, being an organic law, needs 176 votes in Congress that it does not have today. Furthermore, he assumes that today he could only give him the PP.

In reality, Moncloa knows, culminating in this rule of three, that will not be able to fulfill what was agreed. Because his ways are blocked: he must discipline his own, because In Sumar they are divided (IU, Chunta and Compromís reject this “privilege”). So not even found a gift that convinces Juntswould maintain the so-called “investiture majority.”

In this way, their only hope, for the moment, is to find a way to divide the autonomous communities of the PP. And even then, at least in view of the manifesto recently published by the regional presidents of the party, Alberto Nuñez Feijoo“It’s about stopping the coup, not financing it,” a senior Genoa official told this newspaper.

In other words, let’s separate the debates. It will not be that someone gives in exchange for moneyWhat is more important is the institutional framework. the state modelthe equality of all Spaniards (or almost, because the Constitution already granted privileges to the Basques and the Navarrese) who the distribution of the cake. That comes later.

The United Left of Antonio Maillo It is not a question of “breaking the common box”. The collectivist, even unionist, vision of the old-new leader imposes it.

The two Valencian deputies of Compromís say no… unless their territory has the same thing. But the accounts, in reality, would not come out. And the same thing happens to the Aragonese of La Chunta, who could not explain in your Teruel It exists of origin who prefers the well-being of his rich neighbor to that of his “emptied” lands.

For his part, Carles Puigdemont He needs revenge. Carefully, so as not to lose influence over a president who could end up falling before being pardoned, but “bring out your claws”.

At the ERC they say they are sure that Junts has never been able to explain “a rejection of the agreement that we, the independentists, have been demanding for decades”. But the party of former president The fugitive does not play in this league: he is only there to make a profit, and he has no connection with the PSOE: “They must know that either they give us the agreed referendum, or they forget about us,” says a deputy from the right-wing separatist party.

And Junts knows how to do two key things well here: how extort In Sanchez, he already did it in January with the decrees; and how generate stories executioners, as he is currently doing against the “betrayal” of Esquerra following the investiture of Salvador Illa.


In Moncloa, it is recognized that “if we talk about regional financing, It is obvious that we need the PP“. And this is so, firstly because it governs in 12 autonomous communities (all except Asturias, Castile-La Mancha, Navarre, the Basque Country and Catalonia), in addition to Ceuta and Melilla, and The model must come from the Fiscal and Financial Policy Councilwhich brings together the LACC and the Treasury.

The literal nature of the agreement between the PSC and the ERC leaves it in writing: “The objectives will be […] the promotion of the corresponding amendments to the LOFCA, the Law on Financing of Autonomous Communities and the Law on transfer of taxes to Catalonia which are necessary for the implementation of these objectives”.

So the first, which decides who is and how in the common regime; the second, expired since 2014; and the third, they will have to change in the General Cortes to implement everything that was agreed with the Republicans.

“We will go there literally,” says a member of the Council of Ministers, “and the intention is to carry it out in its entirety,” when asked where he sees the difference with the Basque concert so as not to call it a Catalan concert.

It is also impossible to count on the PP for these reforms because it is the main attacker of its opposition to the “constitutional reform by the back door” that Feijóo sees in this project.

No, each to their own.

Moncloa’s intentions today therefore do not correspond to the reality of the figures. Each for their own reasons, but Nobody around the PSOE and the ERC wants him to leave. But nobody wants to be the one playing it.

The PP was able to mark the different game boards. But still fears some dissensions due to the fiscal suffocation of their territories, and does not want the matter to move forward.

Meanwhile, Puigdemont is waiting to see if the way to give the ERC an advantage is give him the biggest one (the referendum). Otherwise, we will have to make a portrait.

For their part, the capricious barons of the PSOE are waiting for Sánchez’s castle to collapse to avoid triggering an internal rebellion.

And why not, Sumar wants too the vote does not depend on them…because then we will see whether it is more important to be in government or to be consistent with what the government says. guru economic that you have chosen Yolanda Diaz.




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