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HomeLatest NewsGovernment approves spending ceiling, intends to approve budgets in January 2025

Government approves spending ceiling, intends to approve budgets in January 2025

This Tuesday, the government of Salvador Illa took the first step towards the approval of the Generalitat’s accounts with the approval of the ceiling for non-financial expenses, which amounts to 37.783 million euros. The spokesperson for the Catalan Executive, Silvia Paneque, highlighted this measure as a “decisive step” in the processing of budgets and indicated the government’s intention to have the accounts approved on January 1, 2025.

“It is a priority objective,” Paneque said. “Catalonia needs budgets for 2025 to be able to develop the necessary policies.” The Generalitat’s plan is to begin the parliamentary process at the beginning of November, in case conversations with other parties allow a possible agreement to be reached.

Paneque explained that there have already been “first meetings” with the ERC and the comuns, the two formations that allowed Illa’s investiture. “This does not mean that there cannot be conversations with other political groups,” the spokesman said.

Paneque reiterated that the government team is “very aware” of its parliamentary weakness (it has barely 42 deputies out of 135) and that it will work to “gain the trust” of these two formations, whose support he defined as a “priority.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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