Monday, September 23, 2024 - 2:52 pm
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Government commits to “democratic solution” in Venezuela despite PP’s criticism after Spaniards’ arrest

After the Arrest of two Spanish citizens In Venezuela, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs assures that ““Spain defends a democratic and peaceful solution” to the situation in this Caribbean country, while categorically rejecting any insinuation about the involvement of our country in an operation of political destabilization by which the Maduro government justifies the arrest.

From the People’s PartyFor his part, he discredits the government of Pedro Sánchez for its actions regarding the arrest of the two Spanish citizens. “What we are experiencing with Venezuela shows that the PSOE, the Sánchez government, He has better relations with the Maduro regime than with the PP “Alberto Núñez Feijóo,” said this Sunday the deputy secretary of Mobilization and Digital Challenge of the PP, Noelia Núñez.

The “populars” claim that everything they know about what happened, they learned from the media. Your spokesman in Congress, Cayetana Alvarez of ToledoIn turn, he challenges Sánchez to recognize that Venezuela is a dictatorial regime, as the head of European diplomacy has already done, Joseph Borrelland the Minister of Defense, Marguerite Robles: “It’s not that difficult. You can do it too. Or maybe not. A minimum of moral clarity is enough,” he said on the social network ‘X’.

On the Executive side, and before knowing about this arrest, the new head of digital transformation, Oscar Lopezasked for caution in an interview with ‘’.It’s time to be careful. “The word is caution,” he insisted. “This government has a responsible attitude towards Venezuela,” the minister also defended.




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