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HomeTop StoriesGovernment defends tax deal with ERC through PP newspaper's contradictory library

Government defends tax deal with ERC through PP newspaper’s contradictory library

The Popular Party (PP) has once again severely attacked the Spanish government for the single financing for Catalonia envisaged by the agreement concluded between the CPS and the ERC which allowed the investiture as president of the Generalitat of Salvador Illa. He did so this Wednesday during the executive control session in which several questions on the matter were asked both to the vice president and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, and to her counterpart in the presidency, Félix Bolaños. All this while Junts uses a tone of warning against that of Pedro Sánchez because of the budgets.

It was precisely Bolaños who saved two episodes of the contradictory archives of the PP newspaper. Following the fact that the popular deputy Manuel Cobo asked the minister if he had read the pact. He answered yes, indeed, in order to be able to debate “with rigor.”

At this point he proceeded to read “an extract from a document”: “We are going to work on a new system for Catalonia This responds to the objective of solving the systematic problem of the financial insufficiency of the Generalitat to assume its powers. “We will ensure that the new financing model respects the principle of ordinality.”

“Does this sound like fiscal separatism to you?” program of the Popular Party of Catalonia in 2021,” Bolaños said with a certain sarcasm, which drew loud applause from the socialist benches. In the same vein, he stressed that this text “makes no mention of the solidarity“, so in their eyes, they are the ones who “took the Catalans for fools”.

However, Bolaños’ examination of the PP’s memory chest did not stop there. “Imagine that a person from this country who leads an important political party present here and who is Mr Feijoo said the following in 2016: it is true that the constituent discussion resulted in an agreement that Catalonia would not have a concert. Now well, these things they can be modified, they can be increased and they can be discussed.

Something that the minister believes “goes further” than the agreement reached with the Republicans in Catalonia. A pact that He did not hesitate to defend himself again because “it guarantees governmental autonomy, it guarantees joint, unique and equitable financing which can also be used to ensure that other territories can have a level of public services with a comparable tax effort”.

Beyond the newspaper’s library, Bolaños also disgraced the Popular Party for not having “a unique position in regional financing,” without, however, abandoning the ironic tone he used at the beginning of the control session. He did so, knowing that last Friday Feijóo gathered its presidents autonomous “in the Monclovite environment”. A few words following the presidential aura surrounding the leader of the popular party after the meeting, which led to comparisons with the president of the governmentPedro Sanchez.

PP against Montero and the shadow of Junts

A meeting held after the Minister of Finance appear in the Senate in a extraordinary and urgent plenary session that the PP forced. Indeed, this Wednesday, he recalled that “grotesque“, since “not a single proposal has been proposed by the PP”.

While some work for “fraternal coexistence in our country, you are against it,” the socialist reproached the popular deputy Juan Bravo, after questioning him on the issue of whether the government intends to generate first and second class citizens.

In fact, he criticized the fact that the government ““They only move the funding system if it depends on an investiture”while at the same time he dishonored him by saying that “a minister convinces, does not threaten.” Bravo also did not hesitate to warn him that if Montero wanted to “march with the public services,” they would not allow it.

For her part, the secretary general of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, also criticized the government on the basis of a possible tax agreement for Catalonia, which described it as a “coupon” since this new model will be financed by the Government “with the teachers of the Andalusians, the doctors of the Extremaduras (…) the dependence of the Asturians”.

Some words he addressed to the First Vice President and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, to whom disfigured that “no one beats them in demagogy.” The socialist, on the other hand, did not hesitate to reproach the popular for these criticisms when they “grant tax gifts to 0.2% of the population” or forgive 6,000 euros on average “to the richest people in this country in Madrid and in the communities where they govern”.

In fact, he resorted to the specific case of Andalusia only this Tuesday returned 112 million euros “because they do not want to build schools for 0 to 3 year olds because they are public and free.” A question that led Montero to ask himself: “How can they talk about social justice?

The person who also questioned Montero about the possible new tax model was Junts per Catalunya MP Míriam Nogueras, to find out if the minister was aware of “tax plunder” which Catalonia has suffered in recent years. A question that, added to its answer, only strains relations between the Executive and the neoconvergents.

Montero recalled that “when Convergència and PP signed privately, they did not put it in black and white”, due to all the doubts that this generated a “public agreement”. In this regard, he also stressed that “it is good for Catalonia”, because it “deepens autonomy and solidarity”. In this context, she expressed the hope that “this project will obtain the favorable vote” of the citizens of Carles Puigdemont.

Statements that did not make Nogueras doubt, who reaffirmed that the desire of his party – in case “they do not know how we act” is “that Catalonia reigns over all income, expenses and policies” that concern it: “This is the debate is real: power or Madrid or Catalonia”, affirmed the neoconvergent. In this sense, he sends a message to the Government regarding its voting orientation for the Budgets: “If you want different results, do different things”concluded.




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