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HomeLatest NewsGovernment promises more funding to Andalusia in 2025 and calls for support...

Government promises more funding to Andalusia in 2025 and calls for support for deficit trajectory and budgets

The Spanish government assures that it will study the 100 proposals transferred by the President of the Government of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, which are similar to those proposed in 2021 and 2022, and guarantees that Andalusia will have more resources from the financing system in 2025 and greater support, if necessary, for the care of immigrant minors. This was the response given by the Minister of Territorial Policy, Ángel Torres, to the Andalusian president’s complaint of having left “empty-handed and without any concrete commitment” from their meeting in Moncloa.

Torres admitted that no specific proposal was made regarding the financing or debt relief of Andalusia or any other community, since these are issues that will be addressed in the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council. Therefore, there was no specific proposal, as the PP presidents had expected, aimed at dividing their positions.“Everything will be addressed in accordance with the multilaterality of the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council and the bilaterality permitted by the Statutes of Autonomy,” he added. summed up the minister who acted as spokesperson for the Executive, who also did not advance the consequences that the single Catalan financing framework could have for the communities.

The only commitment to financing is the one announced: there will be more money in the system in 2025 and therefore more resources to distribute that will benefit all communities, including Andalusia. But without changing the distribution criteria.With Pedro Sánchez, a record of transfers to the autonomous communities has been reachedincluding Andalusia,” he noted.

Torres reviewed the measures implemented by the central government of Andalusia in recent years, mentioning investments in High Speed, transfers of European funds or actions in the fight against drought. But he set the fundamental condition to continue moving forward: “We have reached out to develop the 2025 state budget, which will allow for new investments, and to approve the deficit trajectory. which, in the case of Andalusia, will represent more than 800 million of margin in the next two years, 1,000 if we add what has already been lost in 2024.

Torres, the government’s interlocutor with the communities on immigration policy, showed that yes willingness to study the requests of Andalusia, “as happened in 2018 with the previous migration crisis”. Although he stressed that the pressure is now on the Canary Islands or Ceuta and that to provide an adequate response, the approval of the reform of the immigration law, canceled in July by the PP, Vox and Junts, is essential. Andalusia has repeatedly complained that this form does not include it as a border area and therefore does not provide coverage for the emergency plan in the event of saturation of its care centers for immigrant minors.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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