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HomeTop StoriesGovernment to invest 1 billion to expand 5G coverage throughout Spain

Government to invest 1 billion to expand 5G coverage throughout Spain

The Minister of Digital Transformation and Civil Service, Óscar López, has announced an investment of 1,000 million euros throughout Spain to expand 5G coverage, of which 200 correspond to Castilla y León.

The new head of the Digital Transformation portfolio made this announcement during his participation in the Rose Festival organized in Riaza (Segovia) by the Northeast Socialist Group, which was attended by more than a hundred people.

In his speech, Lopez recalled:“Very old and very long debates” on digital coverage in Castilla y León and “unfulfilled promises” from the Council on this subject. But, he stressed, it was a socialist government, that of Pedro Sánchez, which managed to ensure that “one hundred percent of homes in this country” had broadband.

In fact, López was “very pleased” to be able to hold his first event as minister outside Madrid, in Riaza, an event that was also attended by the secretary general of the Socialist Group in the Cortes of Castilla y León, Rosa Rubio, who warned Mañueco that the PSOE the money will have to be invested in the public, in public services, at doctors’ offices and in health centres.

Likewise, he stressed that Mañueco and the PP “are doing business with health because public health is not their priority.” At the same time, he added, Sánchez has extended free education from zero to three years. “in front of a Mañueco who uses the money received to bet on private and concerted education.”



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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