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HomeTop StoriesGovernment to meet with Clavijo and PP next week on migration

Government to meet with Clavijo and PP next week on migration

Ángel Víctor Torres, Minister of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory of Spain, announced a meeting for next week between the central government, the government of the Canary Islands and the Popular Party to discuss immigration policies.

The minister said it was urgent “to amend section 35 of the Immigration Act” and that they will continue to try to achieve this change to address the immigration situation both in the Canary Islands and in the rest of Spain. To this end, the socialist has reached out to the Canarian president and the opposition to organize a meeting that he hopes will be “definitive”, because he believes that it will not be “definitive”.

He also took advantage of his intervention to attack the formation led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo. After assuring that it is necessary to work in the “general interest”, and not in the partisan interest, he recalled that in the text whose admission to the treatment was rejected by the Popular Party, many of the PP’s demands, “of the most”, had been included Torres.

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