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HomeTop StoriesGovernment to reform Official Secrets Act and make election debates mandatory

Government to reform Official Secrets Act and make election debates mandatory

The Council of Ministers approved this Tuesday the Democratic Action Planannounced in July by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, which envisages the modification of the Penal Code, the Law on Official Secrets, the Organic Law of the Electoral Regime and the Law on Institutional Publicity. The Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, Félix Bolaños, made this announcement at the press conference following the Council of Ministers held at the Moncloa Palace, where he explained that this plan includes 31 measures that will be implemented during the next three years of the legislature.

Within these 31 measures, thearreform of Law 9/1968, of April 5, on official secretsIn the said article, it is specified thatCitizens have the right to access public information in the terms set out in Article 105(b) of the Constitution and which were developed by Law 19/1013, of December 9, on transparency, access to information and good governance.

Because of contemporary context, the pact they concluded PSOE and Sumar propose a reform of this standardwhich replaces a pre-constitutional law, in force since 1968, to update it and adapt it to the best standards of the legislation of the democratic countries around us.

Therefore, you The reform of the Official Secrets Act implies a greater standardization of our legislation, combining national security with the right to information and transparency. Likewise, this reform implies complying with one of the recommendations present in the Rule of Law Report of recent years.

The PSOE and Sumar included in the document a rreform of the Rules of Congress to establish the obligation to hold an annual debate on the state of the nation. The objective of this modification is to consider It is appropriate to ensure the stability of this mechanism of transparency and accountability of the Government, by establishing a regulatory obligation to hold the State of the Nation Debate on an annual basis.

Among the innovative proposals, legal reforms are also proposed to celebrate election debates or publish all microdata from election surveysThe Democratic Action Plan establishes a reform measure of Organic Law 5/1985 of June 19 of the General Electoral Regime to establish the obligation to hold electoral debates between candidates.




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