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Government transfers Vice-President Teresa Ribera’s candidacy for the post of European Commissioner to Brussels

This Wednesday, the Spanish government officially transferred to the European Commission the candidacy of the current third vice-president and Minister for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Teresa Ribera, as commissioner in the new executive of Ursula von der Leyen, as advanced by.

Pedro Sánchez’s Executive sent by letter the candidacy of Ribera, who was the PSOE’s lead candidate in the last European elections on June 9, even though she did not obtain the certificate of MEP. The vice-president, who enjoys a good reputation in Brussels for the policies deployed during the energy crisis resulting from the invasion of Ukraine, was for months the big favorite of the Spanish candidacy. And he is a reference in terms of community policy on issues such as energy or the Environment.

Although the appointment is the responsibility of the Prime Minister, it will be the next President of the European Commission, who is expected to be the German Von der Leyen, who will decide which portfolio and rank she will give to Ribera. Both options are feasible, according to different sources, although there are more doubts about whether she will be at the top of the list than whether she will be the one chosen by Sánchez for the European Commission.

In a video released by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Ribera assured that being the Spanish candidate for the next College of Commissioners “is a source of pride and a great honor.” “This is an important moment for Europe, where we must work together to make the European dream a reality.” The school “must face the great challenges of the moment” and make “a continent of progress, prosperity and well-being for all citizens” a reality.

Ribera’s transit to Brussels could follow a parallel path to that of Josep Borrell five years ago. After the 2019 elections, the current High Representative for EU Foreign Policy gave up his status as an MEP and continued to lead the Foreign Affairs portfolio in Pedro Sánchez’s government, eventually opting for one of the highest positions in Brussels, which finally made his appointment a reality.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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