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Graphic designer with persistent Covid reaches absolute permanent disability due to ‘continuous, daily headaches’

He persistent covid has become a reality for many people who have suffered from the virus and whose symptoms never leave them. This is the case of a graphic designer who managed to get justice to recognize absolute permanent disability. Thus, the High Court of Justice of Castilla y León requests Social Security to pay a pension equivalent to 100% of its regulatory base of 1,889.92 euros.

Thus, the TSJCyL confirms in second instance the resolution of the Social Court of Burgos which considered this condition for the 57-year-old worker. In the eyes of the court “the presence of continuous, daily headaches “makes illusory the ordinary and habitual exercise, with adequate execution and without extraordinary sacrifices, of any profession, which should be exercised in conditions of almost permanent discomfort and pain.”

In this regard, she argues that the daily tasks in the development of women’s work as graphic designers”They require concentration, intellectual work and the use of data visualization screens. Something he has not been able to achieve since he contracted covid and that has led to “adaptive disorder and cognitive deficit, attention difficulties, slight memory deficit, limitation in carrying out activities of high responsibility or stress, as well as tasks that require a lot of concentration.”

Some symptoms to which are added “a chronic post-covid headache with a tension profile and daily frequency” which rejects “all treatment”. Thus, the court considers that “these results are consistent with the neuropsychological profiles of patients presenting cognitive deficits after being infected with Covid.”




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