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HomeBreaking NewsGulay needs urgent treatment: he is waiting for support from people who...

Gulay needs urgent treatment: he is waiting for support from people who can help him

Gulay Aghayeva, 16, needs your support.

About this Oku.Az-to his mother Parvana Aghayeva informed.

He said his son suffered from congenital cerebral palsy.

“Gulay is 16 years old and suffers from congenital cerebral palsy. We have been treating him for years. When we treat him in time, we do not see any deterioration in his health. We need support to continue treating Gulay. His medications are very expensive, we cannot afford them ourselves.”

Parvana Aghayeva said she is raising her four children alone.

“My wife died of cancer four years ago. I have four children. I myself go to pick onions for 10 manats a day, and Gulay receives a pension of 320 manats. We only live on this money a month. Because of Gulay’s treatment, we are now staying in Baku, the debt for the treatments was bought out and it is already gone. We need 1,300 manats for the treatment.

Contact the family: (077) 804-96-65.

Capital Bank: 5239 1517 7425 8175.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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