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“Gypsies have never been very hard-working”

“Gypsies have never been very hard-working and neither was last night,” he wrote on his social networks. Rafael Azorcouncilor of the municipality of Granada Active. Then he deleted it, but, as that memorable radio sketch said, the damage was already done.

Refers to the duo Camelawho performed there on Friday, September 13, including on the La Alameda soccer field. It was one of the star attractions of the Bastetana fair and the mayor later complained that the show lasted a short time. “An hour and a bit of concert, with a ticket a little expensive for what it was. Some musicians with thirty years of career can do more,” he wrote.

His appreciation of the recital and its length would have gone unnoticed – after all, it is his opinion – without this introduction. Dionisio Martín and Angeles Muñoz They belong to the gypsy ethnic group and the fact that those of this race “have never been very hard-working” has bothered the town of more than 20,000 inhabitants.

But Rafael Azor, elected advisor on the Vox listnow in the group of non-registered but still belonging to the government team, only made things worse. Before deleting his comment, he replaced it with this one, also addressed to Camela: “This is the third time they have come to Baza in thirty years and each time with less desire to work…”.

The socialist group in the Baza City Council expressed its absolute rejection of Azor’s comment. “It is not typical of a Baza councillor to make humiliating and demeaning remarks towards the gypsy ethnic group or any other. This is another example of the type of leaders we have today,” he said in a statement in which he demands that the mayor, the Popular Party Pedro Justo Ramosto speak out on the subject. He cannot “shut up and look away.”

Previous statements on Franco and against women

This is not the first time that Rafael Azor’s name has come to the forefront for provocative remarks. On his Facebook account, the same one he now uses to criticize Camela, he wrote this while he was already mayor: “Franc I worked for Spain and I do it for Baza.”

Things don’t stop there. In March 2021, when he was already an advisor to Vox, he said in a plenary session for the International Women’s Day things like this: “All women like to be complimented unless they become bitter.” “There are activities like bullfighting or sports like football that do not have the same appeal if practiced by a man as if practiced by a woman and they have much more performance” than them. “In the front row of this March 8, there are women who are not women.” He was disavowed by his party.

He apologized for the last thing, also on the networks. He alleged that that day he got up very early and went to bed very late, he admitted that it was a “unfortunate” comment“and denied having anything against gypsies. “I grew up with them and I have a lot of friends,” he added.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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