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“Hablando en Plata” receives the award from the Platform for Seniors and Retirees for its work in favor of seniors

talk in money‘, initiative of Atresmedia against ageismdistinguished himself by Platform for Seniors and Retirees (PMP) for his work on behalf of the elderly, awarding him the first prize of the Category Media and Social Images. An important recognition which adds to the AENOR certificate recently obtained for its “Commitment to the elderly”.

In this first edition of its awards, which takes place within the framework of the International Day of Older PersonsThe Platform for Seniors and Retirees has distinguished “Hablando en plata” for “being a good communicative and informative initiative to make visible the reality of the heterogeneous social group of elderly people in our country, by positioning the various problems encountered and by emphasizing the necessary fight against stereotypes linked to age and ageism, in a transversal manner”, as indicated in the jury’s judgment.

The Platform for Seniors and Retirees brings together more than 15,000 organizations and federations of elderly people and retirees, among the most important in Spain, and its objective is to fight for the rights of the elderly and facilitate dialogue with public authorities and other social actors. Their awards aim to recognize “the work carried out by the most dynamic and committed social agents in society, in favor of the elderly.”

The jury was composed of the president and vice-presidents of the PMP and assisted by competent professionals with proven experience in communication and in the field of social action and participation in favor of the elderly. The Institute of Elderly People and Social Services (IMSERSO) and the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) were also awarded, in the Institutional category; the campaign “Dominga does not speak alone in Soria”, by the illustrator Elisabeth Justicia and the Department of Equality and Gender Perspective of the City Council of Soria, in the category Action in favor of elderly women; and Dr. Vânia de la Fuente-Núñez, awarded with the special mention for the fight against ageism.

THE delivery ceremony rewards will be next September 30as part of the commemorative activities around the International Day of Older Persons, at the headquarters of the ONCE Foundation in Madrid and will have the actor Miguel Rellán as master of ceremonies.

What is “Speaking Money”?

“Talking Money” is an initiative of Antena 3 and LaSexta against ageism launched in October 2022, coinciding with the celebration of the International Day of Older Persons. Since its inception, it has sought to value older people and make their problems visible. In just two years, it has launched campaigns such as “Thank you”, “Vital Curriculum” or “Undesirable Solitude”.

In addition, under the auspices of “Hablando en Plata”, two special programs were also broadcast during prime time on Antena 3: the “Residences Special” and the “Second Citizens Special”, in which solved the digital divide and its consequences on the daily lives of older people, making it difficult to do simple things like withdrawing money from the bank or making a doctor’s appointment.

Last May, thanks to “Hablando en Plata”, Atresmedia became the only television in Europe with AENOR certificate for its “Commitment to Seniors”. The audiovisual group obtained the label after an exhaustive audit carried out by the independent body which verified the complete cross-functional deployment of the initiative.

With the award given by the Platform for the Elderly and Retirees, Atresmedia reinforces its involvement and commitment to continue valuing the elderly and making their problems visible, which is why it will continue to dedicate efforts and give space to respond to their needs and concerns in the news and programs on its televisions, as well as in various communication campaigns.

In this way, “Speaking in Money” continue to fight against ageism and aims to value older people and demonstrate their importance and contribution to a diverse society. It has three clear objectives:

  • Lead a social awareness movement that helps combat ageism that is taking hold in our society.
  • Increase the perception of value of this group.
  • To provide assistance to the elderly by placing at the centre of the debate the issues that concern them and which, in the future, will concern other generations.

About the Seniors and Retirees Platform

THE Platform for Seniors and Retirees (PMP) was born from a process of confluence of the most important organizations, federations and confederations of elderly people and retirees in the country, with the aim of represent the associative movement elderly people and facilitate dialogue with public authorities and other social actors. It was born in 2021 and represents more than 15,000 associations, with more than 5,746,000 affiliated people.




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