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Hands outstretched towards our sovereignty: “The concept of international law in the world has been completely shaken”

“During the 30 years of occupation, Armenia continued its policy of aggression, ignoring the resolutions of the UN Security Council and other international organizations on the unconditional evacuation of Azerbaijani territories. Acts of vandalism were committed. The names of all Azerbaijani settlements and toponyms, as well as mosques and cemeteries, were deliberately attacked and vandalized by the Armenian government. At that time, most of our historical and cultural monuments were erased from the earth.

commander in chief Ilham Aliyev Thanks to their great political will and leadership, the occupation of the valiant Azerbaijani Armed Forces, which lasted almost 30 years, ended in 44 days.

This Oku.AzIn an interview with the deputy of the seventh convocation of the Milli Majlis Parvana Valiyeva saying.

In this regard, he referred to the speech of the Head of State at the first session of the seventh convocation of the Milli Majlis on September 23:

“In his speech, the Head of State stated that our state faces great tasks, first of all, the task of restoring Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur: “It is not for nothing that today large-scale reconstruction and restoration work continues successfully to return the original, historical face of the region and revive its past spirit. About 8,000 people have already been able to return to their ancestral homeland. One of the goals set by the implementation of the “Great Return Program” is to ensure the resettlement of about 20,000 people in these areas by 2026. However, revanchist forces are trying to re-emerge in Armenia. Those sponsors who instilled these sentiments in Armenia, supported it and “encouraged” it to take revenge, armed the separatists with fantasies of Karabakh, should know that this is an issue concerning two countries and that the two countries must talk to each other and come to an agreement. An agreement is not needed here, no manipulators. What can be called this activity of the European “ambassadors of peace” who are trying in every way to prevent the signing of the peace agreement? Why do these “peace lovers” who continue the manifestations of 21st century colonialism with their neocolonial policy not think about improving the legal, social and economic conditions of their citizens whose rights and freedoms have been violated in their country?

“The G7 countries, which seem to be interested in solving the problems of other countries, are not interested in providing financial assistance to the least developed African countries and small island states, which are affected by severe floods, storms and droughts, in order to be able to combat climate change, which is a global problem facing the world. The consequences of these changes continue to grow proportionally. These countries pay 18 times more debt than they receive for climate change programs. Funds are provided by multilateral banks. Countries refuse to increase their climate financing. These countries increase their military investments every year. They are interested in creating conflicts and wars in other regions. Therefore, we must increase the military power and defense capability of our country, let us be prepared against the effects,” the deputy stressed.

Our interviewee believes that the concept of international law has been completely shaken in the world at this time:

“The resolutions adopted by the UN and the requirements of countless conventions are not fulfilled. During the 30-year period of occupation, our country convened many international organizations and gave statements and information on the norms and principles of international law, the requirements of which were blatantly violated by Armenia and demanded the establishment of justice. However, contrary to the expectations of international organizations, for years we have seen nothing but double standards, unfair statements and fruitless negotiations. Armenia has maintained its territorial integrity and sovereignty, has strengthened its foreign policy, will preserve the historic victory it achieved a year later and will further strengthen itself in the region.”

Merahim Nasib


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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