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Harris challenges Trump to new CNN debate but former president says it’s ‘too late’

The American Vice President, Kamala Harrischallenged his rival in the November elections, former President Donald Trumpto a new debate on October 23, but the Republican rejected the proposal arguing that it is “too late“given that early voting has started in some states.

In a statement, Harris’ campaign manager, Jen O’Malley-Dillonannounced that the Vice President had accepted the invitation of cnn for a debate against Trump in Atlanta, the network’s headquarters located in the strategic state of Georgia.

O’Malley Dillon argued that the debates offer “a unique opportunity for voters compare candidates and assess their competing visions for the United States.” Furthermore, he felt that it would be “unprecedented in modern history“that there would be only one debate before the election that would determine the next occupant of the White House.

Harris and Trump have clashed before September 10 in Philadelphia, in the key state of Pennsylvania, at a meeting organized by the network ABC where the vice president emerged victorious, causing his opponent to lose several times.

Previously, Trump debated then-Democratic candidate President Donald Trump in late June. Joe Bidenwho, after a poor performance in the CNN debate and facing internal pressure from his party, had to abandon the campaign and handed over to Harris.

The debate Harris agreed to this Saturday would take place at cnn Under the same rules of the meeting in which Trump declared himself the winner over Biden, the Democratic campaign therefore considered that the Republican should have “no problem” accepting the new invitation.

Shortly after O’Malley Dillon announced that the campaign had accepted the debate, Harris herself wrote in x: “I gladly accept a second presidential debate on October 23. I hope that @realDonaldTrump join me“, quoting the former president’s account.

Trump, for his part, quickly rejected the proposal at a rally in Wilmington, in the key swing state of North Carolina.

“She had one debate, I had two. It’s late for another one, I would love to do it in many ways, but it’s late, the votes are already in, the voters are here. Will you all please vote? Get out and vote,” the former president said, addressing the audience.

Yesterday, Friday, early voting began for the presidential election of November 5 in three states: Minnesota, South Dakota and Virginia. In the coming weeks, other states will also allow early voting at the polls or by mail.

Currently, polls predict a close race between Harris and Trump, with a difference of a few points. Due to the American electoral system, everything will depend on the results in seven key states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona and Nevada.




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