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Harris still only 1.1 points behind Trump

Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United StatesDemocratic candidate for the White House maintains her narrow advantage over the former US president Donald Trump, Republican candidate, in the middle of the election released this Wednesday, which reflect the general sentiment of voters in the United States. 54 days until the November 5 electionsHarris is still only 1.1 points behind. The Democratic candidate would get 48.4% of the electorate’s favor, while the Republican candidate would hold on to 47.3% nationally, according to the general average of the polls. On the other hand, if the elections were held this Wednesday, Trump would win by leading in the swing states, which are those that hold the key to the elections.

Kamala Harris has so far failed to convince swing voters in Pennsylvaniathat he disappointed with his attacks on Trump during last Tuesday’s debate. In early polls of the debate, conducted by left-wing media outlets, Kamala Harris is declared the winner of the debate. On the other hand, moderate voters in Pennsylvania surveyed offer a different picture: Harris did not convince them because he did not explain his proposals for the next four years..

Kamala Harris still stagnatesas reflected in the distribution of the latest surveys. In the latest NPR/PBS News national Marist pollthat shows Kamala Harris’ abrupt halt, we see that the two candidates are virtually tied: Kamala Harris has 49% of the electorate’s favorability, while Trump has 48%. Instead, there has been a 14-point swing since the summer in Trump’s favor among independent voters. In August, Kamala Harris had an 11-point lead over Trump after riding the momentum of her entry into the presidential race.

Among the electorate, Trump sees himself as a more suitable candidate to address the economyimmigration and the Middle East. Meanwhile, voters believe Kamala Harris is better suited to the abortion issue.

ABC News: The Big Loser of the Debate

THE ABC News Networkwhere the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris was broadcast, and its two moderators, David Miur and Linsey Davis, who attacked Trump along with Harris, are the big losers of the debate, due to criticism of the difference in treatment of the two candidates.

Through this Thursday and into the weekend, this is beginning to reflect how the debate is playing out in the polls, especially among swing state votersIndependent analysts and voters acknowledge that ABC News executives were wrong to allow attacks on Donald Trump that do nothing to answer their questions about policies that can improve their lives.

Pennsylvania, the key to these elections

Pennsylvania, where the debate was held on Tuesday, is taking shape as the main battleground in the race for the White House. This will be the great reward of this electoral campaign in the decisive states, seven in number: Arizona, Snowfall, Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Michigan And Wisconsin.

The State of Pennsylvaniathe most populous of the swing states mentioned above, with 19 votes in the Electoral College. Campaigns and party committees They began bombarding voters with advertising on Wednesday, for which they have set aside $153 million..

Trump is ahead North Carolina (0.1 points), Georgia (0.3) and Arizona (1.6). Meanwhile, Kamala Harris is leading in Wisconsin (1.8), Michigan (1.2) and Nevada (0.6). Therefore, if the elections were held this Thursday, Trump would win with 281 electoral votes, counting the 16 votes from North Carolina, the 16 from Georgia and the 11 from Arizona, which are already assured, either because they are traditionally Republican, like Texas. , or because he is very solid in the polls, as for example in Florida.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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