Home Entertainment News He bites his roommate’s finger in Tafalla and ends up arrested

He bites his roommate’s finger in Tafalla and ends up arrested

He bites his roommate’s finger in Tafalla and ends up arrested

THE Provincial Police This bridge has opened a procedure All Saints’ Day to 26 people for the commission of different crimes, which were reported to different courts through police reports.

One of the most striking cases among crimes against persons, for which four people were arrested, was the arrest of a man accused of tear off part of a finger to another. The facts occurred in Tafalla during an argument between roommates. One of them became violent and bit the other, tearing off part of his finger.

On the other hand, in Tudela another man was arrested for facial injuries committed with a knife and threats; In Villava for a fight in front of a nightclub, with an injured person and threats with a knife; and in Pamplona due to the events in Santesteban, where a person was injured in the face after being punched in front of a bar. Three of these actions were initiated by the municipal police in their respective localities.

Eight men were arrested for crimes involving women as victims: four out of Pamplona (three for ill-treatment and one for sexual assault, with prison sentence); three for violating restraining orders Marcille, Aizoain And Tudela; and one in Azaga for abuse. In Orkoian A woman was arrested for domestic violence between children and parents, for throwing an object in her father’s face, causing him injury.

By drug trafficking in Alsasuaa man who had with him 60 grams of speed (30 bags of 2 grams each), during a preventive control on the occasion of the Gazte Topagune Sozialista and supposedly for sale to participants. During this event, 21 complaints were also filed. serious violations of citizen security rules, including seizures of drugs (17) and bladed weapons (4).

Five people arrested for property damage, three in Tudela (two for forceful theft at the request of the local police and a third for embezzlement) and two in Pamplona: one for theft with force and another for theft and resistance.

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The first stole medicines from the pharmacy warehouse of the Navarra Hospital and later, carelessly, a wallet containing money and documents in an Azpilagaña suitcase.

Thanks to the collaboration of Municipal police was located in the old town while riding a stolen bicycle (he was also carrying part of the stolen drugs) and after having been recognized as arrested the day before for theft from vehicles and attack the police. He thief He is an old acquaintance of the officers and has been arrested several times.

The second, 31, was caught stealing food from an establishment in the old town; he is also accused of resistance.

Due to judicial requirements, two detainees, including one aged 19, Pamplonaclaimed by a court in the Navarrese capital, and another 51-year-old man in Alsasua, with an active search warrant for violation of a restraining order.

During a massive fight which took place in the Iturrama district of Pamplona A 19-year-old young man was arrested for the attack and, after being identified by patrol, attacked one of the officers acting.

And finally, four drivers were charged with TRAFFIC and safety offenses, summoned to different Navarrese courts for a speedy trial. Three of them were due to criminal blood alcohol levels Queen’s Bridge, Tudela And Iza (fifth complaint for breathalyzer) and the fourth a motorist in Ribaforada for driving with loss of validity due to lack of points, after being recognized by the patrol during the previous action which involved the conviction.



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