The accident in which the young man, aged 35, died occurred at midnight in the municipality of Boecillo.
A 35-year-old young man lost his life yesterday evening in a road accident in the town of Boecillo (Valladolid) where the car in which the victim was traveling ended up overturned on the road after hitting several bell turns.
It was 00:41 a.m. when a call to the 112 emergency service of Castilla y León reported the incident at kilometer 16 of the CL-600explaining alerts that the occupant had been injured.
He 1-1-2 informed of this accident the Civil Guard of Traffic and Health Emergencies – Sacyl, which dispatched a mobile intensive care unit and a basic resuscitation ambulance as well as the health staff of the health center.
Once on scene, medical personnel could do nothing to save the life of the driver of the accident vehicle and confirmed death of a 35-year-old man.
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