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“He doesn’t even tell the doctor the truth”

Vox features the president of the government, Pedro Sanchezfor lying in his statement before the judge, assuring that he did not know the businessman Carlos Barrabés. “The judge asked him if he had any kind of friendship or family relationship with Barrabés and Pedro Sánchez lied again because Pedro Sánchez He doesn’t even tell the doctor the truth.“, lamented Vox’s spokesperson in Congress, Pepa MillanThis Tuesday during a press conference held in the Lower House. The Vox leader echoed Sánchez’s statement before the judge Juan Carlos Peinadowhose OKDIARIO has exclusively published the video he made on July 30 in Moncloa on the occasion of the judicial plot against his wife, Begoña Gomezfor crimes of influence peddling and corporate corruption.

“In the case of Pedro Sánchez, the saying that one lies more than one speaks, becomes a reality in his case, because I believe that it was a statement that did not last even three minutes and he could not lie anymore. That is, the only truth he said Was Begoña Gómez his wife?which should not bring honor to anyone. In his case, it is a merit,” Millán said during his appearance before the media. Vox’s spokesman in Congress reproduced statements by the president of the government from three years ago, in which he assured that he had had the “opportunity” to learn “in the first person” to Carlos Barrabés, thus contradicting his statement before Judge Peinado. Vox acts as a popular accusation in the Begoña Gómez case.

It was on January 22, 2021, that the socialist leader appeared before the media in Aragon to explain the Recovery Plan, the program that channels European funds to repair the damage caused by the Covid-19 crisis. The contracts investigated by the Civil Guard and that Barrabés subsequently won were financed precisely with European funds. “The Barrabés Group, which I also had the opportunity to know personally, well, well, We already know that it all started with a family business mountain equipment in Benasque (Huesca) and has given rise to a large conglomerate of companies that provide all types of consulting, training and communication services to companies not only from all over Europe, but from all over the world. Sánchez.

The President of the Government congratulated the Barrabés Group for the creation of the platform Academy of Attitudeswhich has helped SMEs to digitalize. “And I also want to highlight an initiative that they launched in March 2020, and that is this platform Academy of Attitudeswhich is a platform, as you know, free to help SMEs to digitize their staff and operations during this health emergency,” said the PSOE leader.

“The judge asked him if he had any kind of friendly or family relationship with Barrabés and Pedro Sánchez lied again because Pedro Sánchez does not tell the truth, not even to the doctor. That is to say, he did not only know Barrabés, he knew his entire business, the family business that he is talking about, that is why he is lying again. He lies to the judge, he lies in this Chamber, he lies to everyone and we didn’t expect anything else“We are represented as a popular accusation in this process and we will continue working to reach its conclusion,” explained Pepa Millán this Tuesday during a press conference held in Congress.

The Vox leader refers to Pedro Sánchez’s statement before Judge Juan Carlos Peinado on July 30 in Moncloa. The magistrate asked the head of the Executive if he had relations with the businessman Barrabes, to which Sánchez responded: “No”.

Meetings with Barrabés in Moncloa

Sánchez’s response to Judge Peinado, assuring that he does not know Barrabés, is surprising, since the businessman himself told the judge in all kinds of detail the multiple meetings he had with the head of the Executive. Begoña Gómez’s partner said he was present a meeting with him in Moncloahaving greeted him at events and even having met him in Benasque (Huesca). As revealed by OKDIARIO, Sánchez has formed is part of Barrabés’s group of friends during their escapades in the Pyrenees.

Carlos Barrabés, on the contrary, explained in his testimony on June 15 before the judge during his meeting with Pedro Sánchez: “I looked at it and I think it was in Benasque. I come from a town in the Pyrenees and one day the Business Association called us for a meeting, it was in 2015, and there were about forty businessmen. […] He gave a lecture and there I greeted him and I think that’s where I met him.“.

After that, magistrate Juan Carlos Peinado asked how many times he had met the socialist leader, to which Barrabés replied: “I remember several times and then in a conversation, once he greeted me and I don’t know if he did it.” In this way, the one who was a partner of the master promoted by Begoña Gómez assured that the president himself had gone to talk to him even though Sánchez says he does not know him. Barrabés has the legal obligation to tell the truth when appearing as a witness; otherwise, you could incur the offence of perjury.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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