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“He gives tax gifts of several million euros to billionaires; this is the PP’s policy on housing”

The secretary general of the PSOE in Madrid, Juan Lobatocriticized the fact that the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, gives “tax gifts to billionaires”, assuring that this is the housing policy of the Popular Party.

Housing has become one of the main political issues, especially this week after the Minister of Housing, Isabel Rodríguez, opened the door to limiting public funds to autonomies that do not comply with the national housing law.

And, from Navalcarnero, Lobato accused Ayuso of “multi-million euro tax donations to billionaires” what he does: “Well, what Ayuso does is the opposite: multi-million euro tax giveaways to billionaires. This is the PP’s housing policy. Do everything that opposes the Spanish government,” he said.

“In Madrid, many families and especially many young people find it impossible to be able to emancipate themselves, to be able to live beyond their parents’ house or to share a room with 4 or 5 other roommates,” said declared the socialist.

In addition, he criticized the Popular Party of Madrid for “declaring itself in rebellion” and also being “angry because the minister says, as is logical, that if the rules are not respected, obviously the financing for these goals will not happen. “

The PP promises to present a housing law in the face of the “failure” of the government

The Deputy Secretary of Health and Education and president of the PP of León, Ester Muñoz, guaranteed that the housing law which will be presented His party will be “serious and rigorous” to “put an end to the resounding failure” of the Government’s measures in this area.

“This week, I am announcing that we will introduce a housing law. We have seen how the entire PSOE housing strategy has been a resounding failure. We see a government that supports the occupations,” he assured.

In statements to journalists before attending the traditional ceremony of the Cantaderas in the Cathedral of León, he said that the PP was particularly concerned about the housing situation in Spain and for this reason he announced this week the presentation of a law on the subject.

“It is no coincidence that today the second problem that most worries Spaniards is that of housing, after six years of far-left policies led by the Socialist Party and its partners,” he said. warned. Muñoz stressed that “price controls have never solved absolutely anything” and clarified that “this is a lesson on which the PP is very clear.”

“We are witnessing a direct attack against all measures that can benefit housing,” Muñoz proclaimed. “The PP is obliged to present a serious and rigorous law on housing to solve this whole problem which affects hundreds of thousands of people in Spain,” he concluded.




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