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“He got lost while greeting a friend”

Albaida’s Councilor for Culture, Roberto López (PP), knocked over three security bollards located on the sidewalk of a central street in the municipality last Saturday, almost at dawn, around 00:30. After the incident, the municipal police showed up, but did not carry out any breathalyzer tests on the mayor.

It should be remembered that the alcohol test after an accident is optional for the authority, but according to police sources consulted by, due to the seriousness of the collision, this is a case in which this breathalyzer test should have been carried out.

The facts were confirmed by the mayor of the city, Juan Carlos Roses (PP) to, and were initially reported by Compromís, which accused the councilor of causing the incident by driving in inappropriate conditions.

The Valencian formation points out that López “participated that same day in a day of celebration, the fraternity meal of the Moors and Christians of Albaida”, during which, according to the same sources, he spent “more than nine hours of celebration”. Compromís accuses Roberto López of having ensured that the local police did not demand that the Civil Guard carry out a breathalyzer test.

Compromís calls for resignation

Compromís spokesman Alejandro Quilis demanded the immediate resignation of López and the clarification of responsibilities. “It is a scandal that there could have been an alleged preferential treatment or a probable abuse of power by the PP government advisor in such a serious matter.”

In this sense, Quilis is gathering all the police reports and documentation necessary to take legal action if necessary. “We are not going to allow the Albaida Popular Party to think that it is above the law.”

On the other hand, Compromís claims that the municipal government, led by the popular Joan Carlos Roses, “ordered on Monday morning the removal of the fallen pylons and the repair of the sidewalk.” “It is shameful that the PP is trying to cover up the accident by urgently repairing the damage while other pylons located a few meters below the point of the accident have remained unrepaired for months,” Quilis stressed.

“He made a mistake because he said hello to a friend”

The mayor of Albaida, Juan Carlos Roses, said that Roberto López’s version is that “he got lost because he was greeting a friend and crashed,” running over the three markers for a length of more than six meters on the sidewalk. He also added that it was the councilor himself who notified the police to resolve the situation and complete the insurance documents.

Roses claims that the police “did not consider it necessary to carry out the breathalyzer test because they did not find any intoxication”, so he understands that “there are no more cases” and that the police report is there.

The mayor of Albaida concludes by saying that “if my councilor had done something wrong, he would have acted”, but he warns Compromís that “what they do is accusations without proof, it is not enough to say that others say it”, if they have “Prove that they denounce it, but let them be careful to see if those who denounce them are us, the PP and the Albaida government will not tolerate this defamation”.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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