Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 11:17 am
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“He governs with the PP, which voted against the reform of the immigration law”

The Government, through its spokesperson, transferred to the PP the responsibility for migrant minors housed in the PP. Canary Islands and assured that the president of the Canary Islands “he is wrong” ensuring that this is the responsibility of the State.

The Minister Pilar Alegria rejected the position of Fernando ClavijoPresident of the Canary Islands, who has entrusted the central government with responsibility for the care and protection of minors who arrive on the islands. “This is not a debate about competence,” he assured, recalling that the Statute of the Canary Islands attributes them to the autonomous government.

This is why he called on Clavijo to ask for explanations from the PP, partner of the government of Canarian Coalition on the islands and who, as he recalled, voted against in Congress in July a legal reform aimed at establishing quotas for the distribution of these minors in the different communities.

“We ask the PP to be in solidarity with 6,000 children and do less demagogy, less co-confrontation and less insults and more responsibility,” Alegría stressed during the press conference after the Council of Ministers.

He added that “Clavijo is making a mistake and all the efforts he makes must be used to convince his ally in the autonomous government, the PP. He co-governs with the PP, which is the one that voted against the modification of the law.”

According to him, the powers are perfectly delimited and everything depends on the PP due to the blocking of the judicial reform. Junts, a government partner, also voted against in Congress, but Alegría did not mention this party.




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