Monday, September 23, 2024 - 7:00 am
HomeLatest News"He is more selfish than socialist"

“He is more selfish than socialist”

If there was a voice expected at the entrance of the PSOE Federal Committee, it was that of Emiliano Garcia-PageThe president of Castilla-La Mancha, the most critical of the barons towards Pedro Sánchez and the current leaders of the party, raised his voice and did not bite his tongue, directly highlighting the repeated pacts with the independence movement and the Catalan quota agreed with ERC, which describes “more selfish than socialist“.

The leader of Castilla-La Mancha demanded the document signed between the PSOE and the Catalan Republicans that has not yet been made public. “I spoke at the end of July referring to the Esquerra Republicana project, but the truth is that at this stage You don’t need to talk to me. I just need you to give me a copy of the signed agreement.“I am struck by the fact that everyone is talking about the accomplishment of what was signed and I have not seen a signed document,” he said.

Page recalled that “a few months ago we came here with extremely serious concerns and Today we also have this concern“, referring to the amnesty that was then in progress and the Catalan quota recently agreed with ERC. The leader called for caution while waiting to clear up his doubts at the next meeting, in which he hopes to certify “that what the ERC says is not what the PSOE supports.”

“You can’t upset the constitutional consensus to have governments and ministries, it seems to me,” said Page, who expressed his “concern for the country and for the most essential founding values ​​of the left and social democracy”, since the party to which he belongs was founded “to avoid and combat privileges”, so today is a day of “concern”.

Without directly mentioning Pedro Sánchez’s name, Page highlighted the current party leadership and government officials.The PSOE is more important than militancy, than the leaders of today, tomorrow and the past. We always adapt to this PSOE if we understand that a substantial part of militancy consists first of all in self-criticism, which I lack; and secondly, in the capacity to disagree.

Before being called, pressed by a party official to finish his statements because they were “very late”, Page denounced the “crude manipulations” of some party colleagues to try to compare what had been agreed with the separatists on financing with the tax incentives. Teruel, Soria or Cuenca. “I don’t think there are many fools who would buy into this story.” he said before entering the socialist headquarters on Ferraz Street, where Pedro Sánchez was already waiting to deliver his speech.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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