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HomeBreaking News"He told me he had to finance his campaign without state persecution."

“He told me he had to finance his campaign without state persecution.”

The businessman expert in cryptocurrency Alvaro Romillo assures that the European deputy Alvise Perezfounder of the electoral group Se Acabó La Fiesta (SALT), asked him last April for his collaboration to “be able to finance his campaign in a safe and comfortable way, without persecution from the State.”

This is what is indicated in the complaint filed by Romillo with the State Attorney General and which is already in the hands of the prosecutors of the Supreme Court, before whom Alvise is qualified to be a member of the European Parliament.

The Supreme Court’s prosecution will decide whether or not to request a trial. Criminal case against AlviseIn a preliminary analysis of the complaint, to which EL ESPAÑOL had access, the Attorney General’s Office sees signs of a possible crime of illegal financing parties.

Romillo explains in his complaint that since 2021 he has dedicated himself to advising private companies “so that they can obtain economic benefits through tax evasion.”

Over time, it has created a community of businessmen and individuals from the crypto sectorinterested in buying and selling digital artwork.

To manage this community that he created Madeira Investment Club (MIC)from which they advertise digital artwork that club members can purchase on speciescryptocurrencies or bank transfers.

Romillo undertakes to buy back the work within the period stipulated in each contract, “even if we do not carry out any checks on the origin of the funds.”

In 2023, the CNMV published a crossed out alert “financial beach bar” MIC activity.

At one of the events organized by Romillo to promote the MIC, held at the La Zarzuela racecourse on April 6, Alvise Perez was present.

But the relationship began earlier. According to the complaint, on March 29, Alvise “contacted me via WhatsApp to arrange an appointment in Madrid to give him advice.”

The messaging relationship continued on a more secure platform, Signal. “After trying to call each other without success, it was finally on April 1 that we agreed to meet in the coming days and I provided you with the phone number of a person I trust (…). I also provided you with the link to the website of my Sentinelle office.”

Pay the “squirrels”

On April 4, Alvise “contacted me to propose creating a Wallet with QR so that interested people could make contributions and finance ‘squirrels’ anonymously and encrypted.” [los seguidores del político] this could contribute documents and information that could be used in the media or judicially against corruption. I answer yes,” the complaint adds.

Álvaro Romillo then sent him the invitation to the event at the racecourse, “in which he helps me promote the services I offer” through a video recorded by Alvise himself.

“The next day, April 7, Luis contacted me again to want to continue doing “things together” and to make things easier for him. Wallet where they could deposit 10,000 euros.”

“He insists on the potential that our collaboration could have: for my part I would obtain the promotion of my services and he could Fund your campaign safely and comfortably [al Parlamento Europeo] without state persecution (sic)”.

Two days later, he reiterated that he had a “need for traffic and reach, funds which do not require control by the Court of Auditorsfunds for the party and money to face some fines for revealing secrets against the state and data protection. All this to grow the party, prepare the goal of reaching five seats in 2026 “to be the key to government and, in this way, influence legislation on financial and civil freedom,” says Romillo.

“Urgent need for funds”

A few days later, Alvise asked him to create and frame a Wallet for fundraising from his supporters. “He tells me about the urgent need to raise funds, asking if I know anyone who might be interested in supporting a community like his. I ask him how much money he needs and he tells me between 300,000 and 360,000 euros. I tell him I think I can do it.

Romillo has taken over the management of a cryptocurrency account for Alvise. In a message dated May 22, the current MEP wrote to him: “since I am going to give up 100% of the public salary, it is also good for me to finance the political adventure”, “the treasury is nowhere to be found”, “done: I trust you as a guardian.”

“We agreed to create their Wallet and that he directs them,” Romillo said. “On May 25, I sent him via Signal the identification of the Wallets, which are the ones that he finally publishes on Telegram so that payments can be made to him in order to finance his electoral campaign.”

Romillo says that Alvise Pérez has proposed to “move” the campaign to raise funds for digital, audiovisual and propaganda in the MIC community, but he understands that “the solution is to finance it through Sentinel. income However, he tells me that it is going too slowly and that Time is running out for campaign payments (sic)”.

“On May 27, I told them they could go to the Sentinel to collect the sum of 100,000 euros in cash,” Romillo said. Pérez replied, “100%.” ​​”You are making an urgent part of the campaign possible for me. Thank you very much, man.”

According to the complaint, this amount “was given to him by one of my employees at Sentinel on the same day around 4 p.m., at the offices on Maldonado Street (Madrid).”

“After receiving confirmation from my employee that he has indeed delivered this amount, I write to Mr. Perez to reconfirm, replying that everything is fine and thank you 100,000 (sic).” he says.




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