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“He wanted to end his life”

A prisoner of Ribera de Huelva Prison Center brutally attacked a prison guard with a broken soda can as a weapon. He aggressor left the victim with facial injuries and in the hands. The attack occurred “surprisingly when the prisoner “He returned to his cell after handing over a laundry bag to serve a sanction of deprivation of exercise for his misbehavior,” he reported. CSIF.

The union deplored the “brutal” attack on the official. An attack that occurred when the inmate called the official’s attention to “come into his cellmoment when without saying a wordlaunched a slam aiming at neck of the worker, reaching him at the height of the nosewith the intention clear and manifests wanting end your lifeas witnesses have pointed out.

From the Trade union center explained that, in an attempt to protect himself, “the official was also injured in the hands and forearms”, but that “the attack did not end there, since the detainee pursued the official, who was trying to escape up the stairs, throwing multiple slashes at him blows And stab wounds“.

On the other hand, CSIF points out that a colleague of the victim, “also a civil servant, tried to intervene, but received several blows from the aggressoreven though they finally managed to reduce it. In this way, the injured official was “initially treated by the nurse on duty due to the absence of a doctor in the center, and then had to be transferred to the hospital,” according to the CSIF criticized the fact that “prison I didn’t have a doctor in person, a common phenomenon in recent times, which conditions daily work.

The attacker, temporarily isolated after the event, according to the union, “has accumulated around twenty active sanctions”, and was described by CSIF Prisons as “a ‘prototype’ of the current prisoner who should be subjected to a more restrictive living regime, highlighting a flaw in his prison classification that endangers the safety of workers.”

On his side, since Penitentiary establishments have confirmed to Europe Presssaid the attack happened “when the inmate asked for medical attention” but that when the officer approached “he reacted by attacking him with the broken can.”

However, they clarified that the officer had various injuries that “could be treated by the prison health services” and that he had been taken to hospital. Juan Ramon Jimenez Hospital for “a better assessment.” In addition, they highlighted the “professionalism” of prison officials in “reducing the aggressor,” despite “the fact that physical force was required to achieve this.” Likewise, the prisoner was taken to the isolation unit.


On the other hand, as part of the celebration of MercyHead of Penitentiary Institutions, the penitentiary sector of CSIF In Huelva announced that he would not participate in the commemorative events that will take place on the 26th in Isla Cristina, “in a staging that has little to do with the daily panorama of the prison” and “as a sign of protest against the situation that the collective is experiencing.” “We are not here to party,” they stressed in a statement.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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