Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 3:09 am
HomeLatest NewsHe was admitted to Algeciras hospital stabbed and bitten by a dog...

He was admitted to Algeciras hospital stabbed and bitten by a dog after an attack at his home

He was admitted to hospital early in the morning, seriously injured. He had been stabbed, attacked by a dog and beaten with an iron bar. The National Police arrested four Moroccan citizens in Algeciras as alleged perpetrators of a injury offenseAccording to the investigation, it was the arrested persons who attacked him.

In the early hours of last Thursday, the 091 center received a call from the Punta de Europa hospital Algeciras. The emergency services informed the National Police of the admission of a man with injuries suggestive of a knife attack.

For this reason, the violent crime protocol was activated and several patrols went to the home of the injuredThere, officers observed a trail of blood coming from the house where the attack had taken place.

The police sealed off the house with the intention that the residents would collaborate with the officers to clarify what happened. At the same time, investigators were able to question the victim. They found in the same hospital that he had several puncture wounds in different areas of the body, fracture of the left ulna and many bites of dog.

The investigation led to the discovery of four Moroccans, who were located. Once the entry and search of the home where the acts were committed were carried out, several items used in the attack were seized. In this house, an air rifle was seized, two machetesa baseball bat and a crowbar.

The police also seized an iron bar which the victim mentioned in her statement as the object with which she was hit. Similarly, a Malinois dog was made available to the animal protection authorities and was used as a means of attacking the victim. They urged her to bite it.

For all these reasons, four people were arrested for their alleged participation in the attack. Once the police report was drawn up, they were placed at the disposal of the investigating court on guard duty.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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