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He was one of the most famous DJs in the world and now lives in a cave in Ibiza.

Álex, a name that resonated in the most exclusive rooms of the 90s from Europenow lives a completely different life. This Czech-born DJ and producer, known for his talent in electronic music, made a radical decision that led him to replace the stages full of lights and thousands of fans with the serenity of a cave on the island of Ibiza.

At his peak, he was not only a recognized artist, but also a true legend within the industry.With seven gold records and one platinum record to his name, he has carved out a place for himself among the best in the world.. Their music, a unique blend of immersive sounds and electronic rhythms, has filled stadiums of up to 40,000 people. Collaborations with big names in electronic music such as Paul Van Dyk, Richie Hawtin and Carl Cox They consolidated their place on the international scene. However, what seemed to be a life full of success and glory hid a growing dissatisfaction.

“At some point, electronic music stopped speaking to my soul”he confessed in a recent interview for “We are the New Era,” a digital platform that told his story through social media. “It was all about money, numbers, and I lost sight of what music really meant to me. I realized that the real soul of music lay outside this artificial world we had built.“.

The step forward that Alex took

Álex feels he has encountered a spiritual awakening that has caused him to completely abandon his previous life.. He gave up recording studios, international tours, endless parties and opted for the simplicity of a solitary existence. Of all the options available to him, he chose Ibiza as his new home. “I always felt that the island had a special energy, something that attracted me,” he explained.. And although many associate Ibiza with endless parties, it has found a haven of peace in its natural landscapes and caves.

IThe cave that Alex has taken up residence in recent years is a small space hidden among the hills of the island.. Measuring only a few square metres, the place is a far cry from the glamorous life he once led. In addition to his most basic possessions, he keeps a few mementos of his golden years: newspaper clippings, photographs of his performances and the records that once represented the peak of his career.I don’t keep them out of nostalgia, but to remind myself of how far I’ve come.. “Before, these things defined me, now they are just objects.”

For the musician, this radical change was not immediate. He tried for a time to reconcile his musical success with his growing discontent. But, according to him, the electronic music industry is increasingly focused on spectacle and commerce, losing sight of its artistic essence. “It was increasingly difficult to find the meaning of what he was doing,” he said.The pressure to stay relevant, to keep churning out hits, took him away from what he really loved about music: creativity, connection with sounds and especially with the audience.

The new life of the DJ

Once in Ibiza, Alex decides to disconnect completely.I put aside the phone, the email, everything. “I didn’t want to be available to the outside world anymore.” Self-isolation led him to rediscover a part of himself that he had forgotten in the whirlwind of his career. During his retirement, he spent hours meditating, exploring nature and, surprisingly, playing music, although in a very different way than before. Now, instead of synthesizers and mixing consoles, he prefers acoustic instruments, such as drums and Tibetan bowls, which he uses in his daily meditations.

What was once a life of haste and commitments is now a calm and minimalist existence. “I don’t miss anything in this world,” he says confidently. Although some industry insiders and fans alike have tried to track him down to reconnect him with his career, he has remained true to his decision to live simply. “There’s something liberating about not having to be someone for other people,” he reflects..

Although his story has provoked various reactions among those who knew him at his peak, from disbelief to admiration, Álex is convinced that this is the path he must take. The cave in which he lives, although austere, is the symbol of his new lifestyle, one that seeks connection with nature and detachment from matter.Living here has taught me that what we really need is very little.The rest is just noise.

Today, while many still remember his successes in the music charts and his performances on the most important festivals in the worldyou have found something much more precious: inner peace. In the hills of Ibiza, far from the lights and bustle of the life he once knew, he has discovered a new rhythm, much slower, but infinitely more satisfying.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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