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Here are the drinks and foods you can drink after exercise to recover energy

If you just finished your machine session at the gym, your bike workout, your laps in the pool or your WOD of crossfit and you don’t know what to take to regain strength, stay and we will give you some guidelines so that your energy does not run out after finishing your physical exercise.

The first thing you need to know is that something as simple as water is essential throughout the day. Staying well hydrated is essential. But it is even more true during and after our training. When doing sports, our body loses a lot of fluid and it is essential to replace it as quickly as possible. This will help us maintain stable metabolic, muscular and cardiovascular functions.

It is recommended to drink about 150 milliliters of water every 20 minutes while we are doing sports. If we are doing sports for more than an hour, we can also consume isotonic drinks, which contain an adequate amount of carbohydrates and mineral salts.

Another way to compensate for this loss is to consume a fruit. Most have a high water content and are also a source of healthy carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Staying well hydrated can even prevent injuries, according to a report from the Universidad Oberta de Catalunya.

When we do sports, we subject our body to a series of stimuli at different levels depending on the sporting practice and intensity – which generate a series of physical and chemical reactions:

  • Proteins undergo degradation. When we train, our muscles undergo micro tears that we will have to repair. This is our muscles’ way of adapting to the stimulus we give them. As it repairs, it will become stronger.
  • As we move forward, we lose water and electrolytes.
  • We reduce glycogen stores, both liver and muscle. Glycogen – which we get from carbohydrates – is our main source of energy during training. Fat too, but in this case the body does not have the ability to use it as quickly as glycogen.

What we should eat after our sports practice will be determined by the intensity and duration of our exercise. Running a marathon is not the same as coming out of a 30 or 45 minute group class in which we have made a moderate effort.

protein intake

After an hour of exercise, the effort made can translate into a consumption of 90% of muscle glycogen stores. But you don’t have to eat a chicken fillet, a salmon loin or a plate of lentils with rice if it’s not lunch or dinner time. It would be enough to maintain a sufficient protein intake throughout the day.

THE protein consumption recommendations In the general population, they are as follows:

  • Adult and sedentary population: 0.83 grams of protein per kg
  • Endurance sports: between 1.2 and 1.4 grams of protein per kg
  • Mixed aerobic and strength sport: between 1.4 and 1.8 grams of protein per kg
  • Strength to achieve hypertrophy: between 1.8 and 2 gr/kg

Although it is true that it is recommended to consume between 15 and 20 grams of protein after training. And they will be much more effective if you combine them with carbohydrates. A recommended formula is to consume 1 or 1.5 grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of weight as well as 0.25 grams of protein/kg. That is a ratio of 3:1.

What foods should you eat after a workout?

Here are some of the most recommended foods to recover energy after your workout:

  • Avocado. It brings us multiple benefits. It is an ideal source of both monounsaturated fatty acids, unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidant vitamins such as C and E. In the mineral section, it stands out for its high concentration of potassium. Having vitamin B6 also helps us recover from fatigue. It can be consumed in a salad, guacamole, on toast or in a smoothie alone or combined with fruits such as a banana or a handful of nuts.
  • Banana. Bananas are another very rich source of potassium. In addition, in this case, it is super practical because we can have it available in our bag to take it right after training. It is beneficial to prevent cramps. And its carbohydrates will help us regain energy. It is very delicious combined with some dates or nuts, in a preparation with yogurt, on toast with peanut butter or in a smoothie.
  • Spirulina. This algae has a high concentration of proteins and is also very rich in vitamins and minerals such as iron, which stimulates the production of red blood cells. It is very popular among athletes for its multiple benefits, such as the extra protein intake that facilitates the construction of muscle mass. They can be added to soups or salads, sautéed or, if you have purchased them in powder form, added to a post-workout shake.
  • Lentils. If your workout is just before lunch, eating lentils is a very good option due to their high protein concentration and their source of iron. In this case, the order of the factors changes the result. A few lentils before training is not a good idea if you really want to perform without suffering from poor digestion. You already know that although they are delicious in compote, in summer you can consume them in the form of a salad or a delicious lentil hummus.
  • Salmon. It contains a lot of omega 3 and is a food very popular with athletes. It helps with muscle recovery thanks to all the vitamins it contains, and minerals such as potassium, iodine or phosphorus.
  • Chia seeds. They are very rich in fatty acids, minerals and vitamins; in addition to having high concentrations of protein and fiber. They can be taken as trim in salads or yogurts.
  • Broccoli. Broccoli is an ideal source of vitamin C, calcium, potassium and folic acid, making it very interesting for sports recovery and good muscle health.

  • Nuts and other dried fruits are also a highly recommended option. Plus, it is one of the snacks that we can take with us to drink right after training, especially if there is still time to go home or if it is time to have one of the main meals of the day. They are good before and after training, as they are very satiating and provide a lot of energy.
  • Chicken. This is another of the proteins par excellence. Very complete and also rich in vitamin A, B6, niacin and phosphorus. It is a protein of high biological value, like the egg, which is also a highly recommended food to regain strength.
  • Whey protein isolate, milk or vegan shakes. They are also a good complete and quick option to prepare an energy drink after training, although they are not essential and we can get the protein intake we need using the right foods from the pantry.
  • Watermelon Coconut Water. It is a very refreshing and appetizing drink to rehydrate after doing sports.

There are many other foods recommended to eat properly after a workout. The main thing is that it is a real food, preferably seasonal, controlling the quantities in which we consume it and the way we combine it.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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