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Promoting scientific research and technological innovation among citizens is the main objective of the European Researchers’ Night. This event, which is repeated every year, will take place in the capital of Almeria with a extended programming workshops, demonstrations and conferences.

This annual event that takes place in many European cities will see the participation of different research groups from the University of Almeria (UAL), research centers and other scientific institutions. The activities are designed for all types of audiencefrom adults to teenagers and children.

The University of Almeria, through its UCC+i of the Office of Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) of the Vice-Rectorate for Scientific Policy, organizes the European Night of Researchers in Almeria, in the Courtyard of the Government Delegation of the Junta de Andalucía and on the Rambla Federico García Lorca, on September 27 from 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.. As in previous editions, during the week of the event, the previous activities will be carried out in different institutes in the province of Almería.

The initiative, called on this occasion “Open Researchers 2024-25”is composed of activities in which researchers from the participating centers and collaborators to the activity present their work and concerns to the public in different ways. In total, they have been programmed 78 activities for the pleasure of citizens.

Activities include “The Science of the Sun: Exploring Solar Thermal Energy and Heat Storage” from the Almeria Solar Platform. They will exhibit a set of interactive models and give practical demonstrations covering the solar spectrum, the solar oven, the solar field of solar thermal power plants, reflectivity, the production of solar powered beer and thermal storage with LED lights.

In addition, the latest advances in research areas related to automatic control applied to solar energy installations, greenhouses, microalgae cultures and bioclimatic buildingsThe activity is organized as an exhibition of different solutions and automatic control systems, developed or used within the framework of various research projects.

Other interesting initiatives will be “How does social media content affect body image? Applications of neuromarketing‘. The aim of this activity is to reflect on the impact of content published by brands, particularly fashion brands, on consumers’ perception of body image.

The program highlights activity on “improving detection, prediction and stroke visualization by combining mathematics, AI and modeling technologies, medical imaging and 3D printing. The activity presents a mathematical model that, using statistical techniques and machine learning, analyzes CT scan data to predict strokes and help doctors with early detection.

In addition, activities will take place rare diseasesagriculture, food, emotions, archaeology, nature, mathematics, chemistry or the environment, among many other disciplines.

You can see the full program HERE


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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