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Here’s how it affects your health

Summer is ending and time begins to prepare everything our sons and daughters need for the new school year. One of the most important things, but the one we spend the least time choosing, is the backpack in which they will carry their material every day. “Inappropriate use of backpacks can overload the back muscles and generate pain,” explains Dr. Ainhoa ​​​​Rodríguez Oyaga, deputy head of the rehabilitation department at the Villalba University General Hospital. “In addition, trying to compensate for the weight can alter the gait and create instability.”

Improper use of the backpack can affect the entire back, both at the cervical, dorsal and lumbar levels, causing pain due to excessive use and even headaches. Another of the fundamental aspects to take into account when using it is the placement and attachment to the body. “If it is not properly adjusted, it can alter the axis of gravity and cause biomechanical and physiological adaptations in the long term that could increase the risk of musculoskeletal injuries.” These alterations affect the child’s ankle, knee and hip joints, increasing beyond 10 or 15% of their body weight.

How to choose a school backpack

To avoid these health problems, it is important to find a backpack that fits the size and needs of our sons and daughters. It is advisable to choose a quality one, with strong seams and a padded backrest, with wide adjustable shoulder straps and a pelvic belt to keep it close to your back.

Additionally, it is important to work with children at home to ensure that they only bring what they really need for the day. “Ideally, schoolchildren should be able to leave the materials at school in lockers or in the classroom,” says Dr. Rodríguez Oyaga. “The weight should be evenly distributed in the backpack. Heavy objects should be placed low and as close to the back as possible.”

Another false myth about school backpacks is the preference for wheeled bags to prevent children from carrying weight. “The ideal is to use a backpack with straps that are well placed on the back. Using wheeled backpacks can cause pain or injuries in the shoulders due to the pull,” explains Dr. Rodríguez Oyaga. “In addition, the wheeled backpack must be lifted to climb stairs, which causes greater pain in the arms and cervical muscles. If you use a wheeled backpack, you must push it forward so as not to pull your arms.”

Care and health for our sons and daughters

When we talk about school-age boys and girls, we know that parents have a responsibility when it comes to taking care of the smallest details on the way to school. Therefore, it is also necessary to review the correct positioning and use of the backpack. “They should always carry both handles, keep the backpack close to the upper back and above the buttocks.” But it is not only the backpack that should be paid attention to, but also the way the little ones carry it: “It is recommended to monitor their body posture both when they carry the backpack and when they do activities sitting in the classroom or at home.”

In addition, it must be remembered that at these ages it is very important that they do sports regularly to strengthen the muscles of the entire body. In the event that they have pain due to overload, the first measure to take is not to carry weights, to perform gentle stretches and to use dry local heat for a few minutes a day. “If the pain becomes intense, you can take a minor analgesic such as paracetamol. If the symptoms persist or are too intense, you can consult your primary care pediatrician.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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