Home Entertainment News Here’s What Experts Say About Life on Mars: ‘Very Bad Sign’

Here’s What Experts Say About Life on Mars: ‘Very Bad Sign’

Here’s What Experts Say About Life on Mars: ‘Very Bad Sign’

THE experts speak loudly about life on Marshas some very bad news to tell us about the red planet that we should know as a priority. The time will have come to start preparing ourselves to give our all, especially in the face of a series of details that are fundamental. We will have to be very aware of what awaits us and how we will have to deal with it. We are living in a time of great change that we will surely see materialize little by little.

Mars is in the sights of NASA professionals. They see this element as a turning point that can really end up being the one that makes the difference in every way. So now will be the time to start thinking about what lies ahead and all that awaits us. A change in cycle which can be fundamental and which we may not have thought about until now, we must think of the worst that could happen, but also of the best. Especially if we align ourselves with a series of details that can be fundamental.

Life on Mars is debated among experts

He discovering life on another planet This is something we need to take into account and could end up giving us some exceptional news. Especially when we are faced with a situation that can end up being one that marks a before and after on this path which can be fundamental.

We are facing a radical change that could end up being the one that marks the destiny of humanity. If life is discovered on Mars, the implications of this discovery could change everything. Now will be the time to start preparing to face a situation for which we must be prepared.

Mars is one of humanity’s last frontiers. We are very aware of what could happen the day humans set foot on this planet, which in reality could leave us with a series of details or questions that could be the ones that condemn humanity to a greater void .

We know we may not be alone in the universe, but we also need to heed what the experts tell us. Knowing that humanity may have an uncertain origin, it will be difficult to know how life arrived on another planet.

This discovery could be a very bad sign or very bad news.

For now, life on Mars is possible and may eventually be a reality, but the life we ​​may find may end up being one that marks a series of changes that we may not have considered until now. ‘now. An option that may well end up being the one that will fully affect us in the not so distant future when we reach this planet.

The explanation from the trade magazine Tech WP makes your hair stand on end: “In the new study, NASA focused on one of the two types of ice found on Mars. We are talking about water ice. Large amounts formed from snow mixed with dust that fell on the surface of the Red Planet over the last million years. Additionally, ice can be found on Mars in the form of frozen carbon dioxide. NASA suggests that the microbes could have found a potential home beneath the water ice on the surface of the Red Planet. “Using computer models, the study authors showed that the amount of sunlight passing through water ice is sufficient for photosynthesis to occur in the shallow pools of meltwater beneath the surface of the ice.”

Nick Bostrom, Swedish philosopher and professor. The University of Oxford published an essay 16 years ago in the scientific journal MIT Technology Review in which it analyzed the consequences of the discovery of life on Mars. According to this professor’s thoughts, there would be two possibilities: “If extraterrestrial life were discovered, the implications would depend on some additional details, notably whether it is an independent emergence of life or a case of interplanetary transfer (life originating from Mars which later came to Earth or vice versa). Life arising independently would give us proof that life arose [ed. en el espacio] is not very improbable, which would lead to the conclusion that the universe is probably quite rich in life – noted Professor Bostrom. Another question is how advanced the life discovered will be: if it were just simple prokaryotes, the implications would be less dramatic than if it were a more advanced form of life. Finding more advanced, independently formed life (as I described in a 2008 essay) would raise questions about the Great Filter; “In particular, it would increase the likelihood that life exists beyond our current stage of development, which would be a bad omen,” he added.


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