Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 2:49 pm
HomeLatest News"He's an experienced brother-in-law level"

“He’s an experienced brother-in-law level”

The desire to appear funny leads many to repeat clichéd jokes as if they were new and tire the audience. servers. Without going any further, there is a varied repertoire for ask a coffee: “It’s a level of brother-in-law “experienced,” says one Internet user.

In a thread on joke also of dubious humor and they even admit that they laugh.

“Give me a coffee that has been in the prison. Like? A express“It is this request that has hotel staff so angry, after having endured it on numerous occasions.

In view of the accompanying images, with the expressive face of a child’s boredom, one of the readers who reacts corroborates it: “These are the same faces that my husband and I make when we become horrible jokesbut necessary. Of course, among many laughs.

Far from simply showing solidarity with workers in the sector, many are using other hackneyed sayings, including the play on words of “coffee”. onlyno, with a muffin… or put two coffees, etc.

Or yet another typical way of serving this drink: “Should I put the shy coffee What do you drink after eating? A shy coffee? Yes, a cut“.

In this succession of jokes, some discover something new and appreciate it (“the joke is bad, but the bad thing made me laugh out loud”) or they admit their low level of creativity: “I’ve never heard that one before, it’s from my brother-in-law again.” generation, eh.

In short, a bit of a nightmare for those behind the bar or taking notes next to the table, as happens with the joke so often heard with beer because the glass or cup had a hole and was emptied, systematically after the consumption was finished.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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