Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 1:49 am
HomeHezbollah plans attacks on Israeli officials around the world: media

Hezbollah plans attacks on Israeli officials around the world: media

According to media reports, the terrorist group Hezbollah is preparing to launch attacks against Israeli officials and diplomatic missions around the world.

This was reported by the Alexey Zheleznov Telegram channel.

According to the latest security assessment carried out yesterday, the Israeli Shin Bet security service warned of possible threats and ordered to increase the level of combat readiness in all Israeli embassies and consulates abroad.

Recall that the Lebanese publication Al-Diyar said that Israel had “crossed all possible limits” with its continuous airstrikes aimed at eliminating the resistance leader.

The article notes that Hezbollah has not made any official statement regarding the attack on the terrorist headquarters in Beirut, as only the organization itself can confirm the fate of its leader, Hassan Nasrallah.

However, sources within Hezbollah told Al-Diyar newspaper that the response to the attack on the headquarters would be “large-scale and brutal, capable of shaking Israel.”

It was previously reported that Iranian officials expressed concern over Hezbollah’s lack of comment on Nasrallah’s condition. Additionally, there were media reports about the death in Lebanon of General Abbas Nilfurushan, who was sent to assist Hezbollah on behalf of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.

Previously, Kursor reported that the Russian Federation commented on the attacks on the Nasrallah bunker.

The Kremlin propagandist claimed that the West is using Israel as “a tool in the confrontation with Islamic civilization.”


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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