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his new life and where his stuff is

Paola Olmedo was no longer at the center of one of the most famous families on television to start a quieter life. The former daughter-in-law of Carmen Borrego, married to José María Almoguera, son of the television collaborator, has decided to make a radical change, focusing on her career and personal projects. Her separation from José María This led her to distance herself from the media world and build a new scene far from the spotlight and family controversies.

The relationship between Paola and José María Almoguera It was one of the most talked about topics in recent months. After becoming parents, the couple surprised everyone by announcing their breakup. Carmen Borrego, who was in Honduras to participate in “Survivors”, was one of the people most affected by the news and the situation became even more complicated when she returned to Spain and saw family tensions increase.

Since then, the relationship between José María and his mother has been almost non-existent. So much so that José María did not attend the recent anniversary of the death of his grandmother, María Teresa Campos, which highlighted the fracture within the family. Despite the media storm surrounding the end of their marriage, Paola has decided to keep a low profilealthough he has recently made statements on his own.

Paola Olmedo’s work in Madrid

In a recent interview, Paola Olmedo spoke about her separation and clarified some rumors that were circulating around her relationship with the father of her sonShe acknowledged that the media pressure and being linked to such a publicly exposed family was overwhelming, something she never imagined at the beginning of her relationship with José María. “I got married, I got pregnant and all of a sudden it all became too much for me,” she explained.Unlike the members of the Campos clan, accustomed to media attention, Paola felt like she was losing control of her life.

It is true that Paola Olmedo has flirted with social columnism, but she does not need the world of the heart to generate income. She is a beautician and runs her own business in Madrid.

The young woman claims to have tried to maintain a cordial relationship with José María for the sake of her son. In her statements, Paola was clear about this.: Your priority is the well-being of your child and the tranquility of your personal life. Even though their breakup was painful, Olmedo has managed to move on and is more focused than ever on her new life.

Paola Olmedo’s plans after her breakup

After the breakup, Paola began to enjoy life from a new perspective. After a time devoted almost exclusively to his marriage and children, he decided to return to his passion for travel. This summer was for her a breath of fresh airthe opportunity to reconnect with herself and enjoy small moments that she had left aside. Traveling, spending time with friends and regaining her independence are all part of her emotional recovery process.

In recent months, Paola has taken the opportunity to make several trips and enjoy more relaxed projects, away from the tumult that accompanied her life as a member of the Campos clan. Her friends have been a fundamental support in this process and, although her social life had taken a back seat during her marriage, today she is rediscovering the importance of sharing time with them.

The beautician is becoming more and more famous

One of the most important aspects of this new stage isPaola’s professional development. As a beautician, she devoted much of her time and energy to her nail business in Madridwhere she managed to carve out a place for herself in the competitive world of beauty. Her salon, specializing in nail care, gained popularity and became her main source of income. This project allowed her to stay focused on something she is passionate about while building independent financial stability.

Paola has repeatedly stated that her job allows her to combine her role as a businesswoman with her role as a mother.. Although raising three children is not an easy task, she has found a balance that allows her to pursue both her family life and her business. Your customers They highlight the quality of their services and the personalized attention they offer, which have contributed to the success of their salon in the capital.

Despite rumors circulating about possible new romantic relationships, Paola Olmedo assures that, for the moment, she is enjoying her life aloneIn her own words, she feels open to whatever the future holds, but she is in no rush to find a new partner. “I’ve had a lot of boyfriends”comments humorously in the magazine ‘Semana’. But what will happen the day he really falls in love?


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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