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HomeBreaking NewsHow did the flow of alcohol become the "North Stream"?

How did the flow of alcohol become the “North Stream”?

The first months of the Russian-Ukrainian war… A night bar in kyiv… Businessmen at the table, reserve and duty officers… The topic, of course, is war. How to attack Russia? How to turn the war around? Talks are still going on right now. And the alcohol is pouring down like rain…

Suddenly, an offer is launched. It may never be known who made the proposal. But the proposal is simple: since the Russian budget is full of revenues from natural gas sold to Europe, then the Nord Stream gas pipeline must be blown up.

Four months have passed: it is September 26, 2022. Danish seismographs pick up signals that resemble earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Panic and anxiety set in, but after a while the truth is revealed: the “North Stream” oil pipeline has blown up. As a result of the explosion, three of the four lines were disabled and a huge amount of natural gas spilled into the Baltic Sea. The resulting carbon emissions were greater than Denmark’s annual carbon emissions.

But who is to blame? The world is looking for someone to blame. This is what happens to those who accuse Russia. But why would Russia blow up an oil pipeline that it owns? Russia blames the US Central Intelligence Agency. The Russian Foreign Minister also accuses the US. According to them, the Baltic Sea is under the control of US intelligence. However, in reality this was not the case. Or the control was very poor.

But what happened in the four months between the meeting in the nightclub and the explosion? The mission, which one of the participants in the plan formulated as “public-private cooperation,” was led by one of Ukraine’s serving generals. The plan was presented to the President of Ukraine and just a few days later, President Zelensky approved it. The general leading the mission was directly under the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zalujny. The plan was carried out in the utmost secrecy. No correspondence was conducted to protect confidentiality. All formalities and consultations were conducted orally. However, despite the measures taken, the Dutch Ministry of the Interior military intelligence learned of the plan.

There was a bitter reason behind this success of Dutch intelligence. The Malaysian plane that took off from Amsterdam was attacked by separatists in eastern Ukraine. It was after this incident that Dutch intelligence intensified its work in Russia and Ukraine. For this reason, the Ministry of the Interior and Communications was able to obtain information about the preparations for the operation, which was carried out in complete secrecy.

Of course, this issue was not within the competence of the Ministry of Defence, the military intelligence of the Netherlands. Therefore, the US Central Intelligence Agency was immediately informed about the operation. The issue was discussed and the President of Ukraine was asked to immediately stop this operation.

It is not known why Zelensky allowed this operation. Perhaps he did not understand the scale of the event, or he was sure that the operation would be carried out in total secrecy. After the American warning, he ordered the commander of the Armed Forces, Zalukhny, to cancel the plan to blow up the Nord Stream. Instead of postponing the explosion, Zalukhny contented himself with changing the plan.

The contradictions between Zelensky and Zalukhny have been known for a long time. In the end, Zelensky dismissed him and sent him as ambassador to Great Britain.

Zalujni, who currently lives in London under diplomatic immunity, says he is unaware of the matter in response to media questions. However, the operation was carried out under Zalujni’s direct direction.

The details of this operation, which cost only 300 thousand dollars, and the investigations carried out by German law enforcement agencies, will be discussed in the next article…


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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