Saturday, September 21, 2024 - 1:16 pm
HomeHow the Gaza war should end: the views of the former US...

How the Gaza war should end: the views of the former US Secretary of State

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told a conference in Washington that the international community must support Israel in ending the fighting in the Gaza Strip in a way that ensures its security and eliminates the possibility of a repeat of the events of October 7.

Pompeo stressed the importance of Israel’s victory and said the country needs to develop a new security arrangement for the Gaza Strip that will be radically different from the previous one that has existed since the early 2000s. He stressed that the world must understand that it is vital for Israel to complete its mission and provide a level of security that will prevent tragedies like the one that occurred on October 7.

Pompeo also drew attention to the threat posed by Iran. According to him, two scenarios are possible: either the US administration will ask Israel to refrain from acting against Iran, or it will support its active actions. Pompeo noted that the Iranians are interested in continuing the conflict and the US must change this situation.

Asked about a possible return to Donald Trump’s administration, Pompeo said he was ready to serve again if the opportunity arose. He expressed confidence that with the experience of his previous service he could be even more useful.

Speaking about the engagement between the United States and Israel, Pompeo stressed that during the Trump administration, Iranian activities were limited and support for terrorists such as the Hamas terrorist group weakened. He noted that people in the Middle East are waiting for Trump’s return, as under him the region was safer and more stable.

Pompeo also said that the most important role is played by a clear US position, which shows that any aggressive action will be met with a harsh response, which at one time influenced Iranian decisions, including those related to its nuclear program.

Earlier, Cursor reported that Mike Pompeo sent a message to Israel’s critics.


Staven Smith
Staven Smith
I am a professional article writer, I have 7 years of experience writing stories, news, blogs and more.


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