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How to calculate the four “life numbers” that define you according to numerology

THE numerology studies the mystical relationships between numbers, letters and patterns to predict life mission, compatibility in relationships and key dates of destiny. Numerologists believe that numbers have a “secret vibration” that reveals deeper meanings from birth dates and names, suggesting that numbers have meanings beyond their quantitative value. Its origins date back to around 559-470 BC with Pythagoras, who studied the metaphysics of numbers and reduced them to simple digits. Kabbalistic Jews and ancient Babylonians also explored the mysticism of numbers through their respective methodologies.

THE modern numerology was popularized by L. Dow Balliett and his student, Dr. Juno Joran. According to Dr. David A. Philips, numbers represent unique vibrations that affect everything from sounds to thoughts. Pythagoras and others ancient cultures They viewed numbers as a way to understand the universe and the meaning of life, with practices that still influence numerology today, such as Chinese BaZi, which uses the date and time of birth to reveal destiny and personality.

Numerology: Here’s how to calculate the four “life numbers”

Since ancient times, human beings have sought to understand their existence through different branches of knowledgeincluding spirituality and science. While science studies the tangible world, spirituality explores intangible aspects like the soul, reincarnation, and numerology. The latter, in particular, examines the meaning of numbers and how they influence our lives.

Numerology maintains that numbers have vibrations and energies specificities that affect our character and destiny. One of its most important aspects are the four “life numbers”, which are fixed from our birth and guide our earthly and spiritual life. These numbers are calculated from the date of birth and provide information about our personality, strengths and weaknesses.

To calculate these four numbers, you add the digits of each component of the date of birth until you get a single digit or one of the “master numbers” (11, 22, 33, etc.). For example, if someone was born on March 15, 1985the following calculations would be made:

  • Month of birth: March is month 3.
  • day of birth: The 15th is simplified to 1 + 5 = 6.
  • Year of birth: 1985 simplifies to 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 23, then 2 + 3 = 5.
  • Full date: 15 (day) + 3 (month) + 5 (year) = 23, which simplifies to 2 + 3 = 5.

These four numbers give insight into a person’s personality and destiny. The numerologylike other spiritual practices, does not offer definitive answers, but rather tools to better understand our being and our tendencies. Future articles will explore the hidden meanings of each of these numbers.

Meaning of numbers

In numerology, each number has characteristics and predictions that influence people’s lives.

  • The number one represents leadership and beginning. People ruled by this number are innovative and have a strong will to move forward and create. They excel in leadership roles and work effectively independently.
  • The number two is associated with diplomacy and mediation. Individuals influenced by this number are peaceful and sensitive, preferring to support others rather than be the center of attention. Their ability to reflect and show affection makes it easier for them to succeed.
  • The number three symbolizes creativity and optimism. People under this influence are dynamic and excel in artistic and communicative activities. Their enthusiasm and ability to express themselves are remarkable, even if they can easily get distracted.
  • The number four is characterized by pragmatism and organization. Those ruled by this number are practical, detail-oriented, and excel in administration and finance. Although routine can be a challenge, they need to balance work and personal life.
  • The number five is associated with freedom and adventure. People ruled by this number seek new experiences and are bold. Relationships will be marked by commitment, and it is essential to balance boldness and responsibility.
  • The number six represents harmony and service. These people are kind and seek to create a stable home. Their sensitivity and desire to help make them stand out, but they must learn to handle conflicts with maturity.
  • The number seven is linked to introspection and intuition. Individuals under this influence are analytical and seek answers in solitude.
  • The number eight symbolizes ambition and power. People ruled by this number are determined and work hard to succeed in business and finance. His life is marked by struggle and constant efforts, focused on justice and self-realization.
  • The number nine represents humanity and idealism. Those under this influence are generous and focused on great causes, seeking to improve the world.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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