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How to do it right when selling your old phone

Today all the details about Apple’s new device, the iPhone 16, will be revealed. Remember that you have an appointment from 7:00 in the afternoon, Spanish peninsular time, and that. OKDIARIO we will cover the event. If you are thinking of buying this device to upgrade it and want to sell the previous phone with the best guarantees, I can provide you with a series of tips that are the result of experience, after many sold devices that have passed through my hands. This can help you get there much faster and get the most out of your phone.

Sell ​​your phone better and soon

At your disposal you have different platforms to sell second-hand products, such as Wallapop or specialized forums. In particular, I really like Wallapop because of the large amount of movement that occurs there, but you always have to take some precautions because scams are the order of the day. Leaving aside this, which deserves a separate chapter, if you have a good profile on Wallapop with many sales and positive ratings, you already have a good start.

If you do not have an account in this application or others, it is very likely that it will cost you more to make the sale, because of course, It is difficult for someone to trust a person with zero or few grades. Although Wallapop was initially designed to close deals in hand, you can always ask for help from a trusted person who has a better profile than you on Wallapop.

But let’s get to the point: a phone sells much better if it meets what, for me, is the main principle, namely The announcement is as detailed as possible. Of course, posting photos on the manufacturer’s website is a reason for distrust, since what the user wants to see is the specific phone he is going to buy and its condition. The photographic section is very important, take as many photos as possible, on Wallapop you can upload up to 10 per ad, with special attention to those that reflect possible damage or defects that the phone may have. Do not hide them, the buyer will discover them very soon and will ask you for explanations, refund or return a certain amount of money. If you have a crack on the screen, no matter how small, you must take a picture and say so. If the battery is dead because its health is about 76%, you must say so. If you dropped it on the ground, broke the screen and replaced it, you will have to specify this repair.

The text should be clear and sincere. That famous thing about “little use” when you’ve been crushing your phone for a year is not something that has a long history either. Remember, Sincerity is the best starting point so you can sell your phone in no time.

When I buy a phone or any other device, I always do it thinking that I can resell it later. That’s why I always I keep the boxes and all the accessories. A phone that keeps the box and everything in it sells much better than a phone whose box is lost. Therefore, a phone with a box and accessories may sell for a little more than a phone without.

The price, always be realistic

Just take a look at any forum or app like Wallapop to see that there are people trying to sell their used phones at a really outrageous price. This in itself is a mistake to start with, I prefer to set a price based on what it is worth and Indicate in the ad text that this is a product with a non-negotiable price. Even so, there will always be someone who will try to haggle over the price, but those magic words of “non-negotiable” in advertising already free you from quite a few people who will immediately get dizzy.

If you don’t know what to ask for the device, it’s best to search in this app or on the forums and see how much phones sell for. If you notice a high or shockingly low price, try to find out the causes; you can even take the arithmetic average of the prices of products similar to yours.

A good sales magnet offers free shipping. That is, include it in the total price of the phone. Wallapop knows that it will always charge the buyer a commission and shipping costs, so you can deduct this money by editing the ad. If you choose a forum to sell, indicate that your price includes shipping costs. There are really cheap insured shipping options with tracking numbers. If you know how to look carefully, for example, the Swiss Post has this option on its website and you have certified shipments for just under five euros.

Dealing with potential buyers

If in my ad I have the position that the price is not negotiable and someone automatically enters and without saying hello offers me a lower amount, I’m not wasting any time. I apply a block and here peace and there glory. You must evaluate whether you are willing to continue negotiating or not, because your ad may have been online for three months and the sale has not materialized, it is very likely that the price is outside of what is usual.

A buyer always wants to feel that sense of confidence when they are going to spend a lot of money on a used phone. So it makes sense that they would ask you for additional photographs or even a video. This measure, even if it represents an effort for youhelps encourage the item to sell. Additionally, you also have to put yourself in their shoes and you would probably do the same thing if you had to spend, say, €500 on a used phone.

The agreement with the buyers is what determines the balance to move one way or the other. Maybe someone will ask you for a reserve, this is usually a policy that I do not apply if the item is juicy enough and can be quickly removed from my hands. In these cases, I prefer Don’t lose the sale and say I’m not reserving the phone for anyone, whoever pays first will get it. On the contrary, if it is an article that has been around for a while, Sol is flexible about reservations, yes, marking the thing “give me a few days to think about it”, it must be specified in the appropriate estimated time, usually 48 hours maximum. Of course, once you have committed to reserving the phone for someone, if a person willing to buy comes immediately after, you must be sincere and keep your word.

If the sale is made remotely, It is always charged before shipping. This is a red line that I never cross, and if a buyer does not trust me, it is not my problem, because it is my story that supports me. Now, from the moment the person has made the payment, I put all my efforts into send you the item as soon as possible, And as soon as it is sent, I will notify you personally and send you the tracking number if the sale was made through a channel other than Wallapop. This way, you will not experience that feeling of unease until you receive the package. Remember to pack it well, go to a bazaar and buy a roll of bubble wrap and adhesive quote costs very little and avoids many disappointments.

With all these premises, Selling a phone or any other device is something that usually doesn’t take me too much time. and since the person who bought it will be satisfied, they will not hesitate to trust you again if you put something interesting on sale.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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