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HomeTop StoriesHow to Sleep Through the Night Without Waking Up in the Morning

How to Sleep Through the Night Without Waking Up in the Morning

According to the Spanish Society of Neurology Only 18% of the population manages to maintain uninterrupted sleep. So it is quite common to wake up in the middle of the night while sleeping. It is nothing to worry about if it happens occasionally, but if it happens regularly, you may have sleep disorders.

Everyone wants being able to sleep without having to get up in the morning for no apparent reason. He stress This may be one of the reasons why people wake up in the middle of the night.

There is tips and tricks get sleep all night straight.

  • Maintain a relaxed bedtime routine. Don’t use screens, such as cell phones or computers, before bed, as the light from screens can disrupt sleep. Drink a cup of non-caffeinated tea and take a hot shower.
  • Stand up at the same time. Try to have a routine when you get up at the same time every morning.
  • Do relaxing practices. Practice yoga or meditate before bed to relax your body and mind, release tension and loosen tight muscles.
  • Exercise, but don’t get too tired to fall asleep. It is good to do it but not at night because it is a stress factor that affects sleep.
  • Prepare the environment. Create a space in which to consider light, temperature and noise.
  • Avoid naps. And if they are done, they should not exceed 20 minutes.
  • Do not put a clock in sight. It is better not to put it on the nightstand, because the reflection of the light can wake you up, making it difficult to return to sleep, in addition to being very tempting to look at the time you get up, which can generate stress when you know how many hours of sleep you have left.
  • Don’t drink caffeine. Avoid caffeinated beverages, such as coffee, after noon. Also limit your alcohol intake before bed. Both substances contribute to sleep disruption.
  • No Smoking. Nicotine can disrupt sleep.
  • Get out of bed. If you spend 20 minutes and can’t fall back asleep, getting out of bed and changing your surroundings, reading, or doing another relaxing activity may help you fall asleep when you return to bed.


Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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