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HomeLatest NewsHuelva Mayor Blames Oscar Puente for Government's "Shameful" Treatment of City

Huelva Mayor Blames Oscar Puente for Government’s “Shameful” Treatment of City

The mayor of Huelva, Pilar Mirandaparticipated this Wednesday in the Government control session held at the Congress of Deputies during which the PP deputy Beautiful summer asked the minister Oscar Bridge on the executive’s plans for the arrival of the High speed to HuelvaIn his response, the minister hid behind Portugal’s lack of interest in connecting the high-speed line from Faro to Huelva the reason why the project is not a priority.

The mayor, who travelled to Madrid with the Andalusian parliamentarian Berta Centeno and the President of the Provincial Council David Toscanocriticised the minister’s evasions after the debate: “Unfortunately he didn’t answer, he missed the ball and didn’t commit to improving rail links. did not commit to driving at high speed and has not committed to improving our roads.

Pilar Miranda, flanked by Berta Centeno and David Toscano in the guest gallery of the Congress of Deputies


Miranda was particularly upset to hear the minister assure her from the guest gallery that he was quite willing to receive her to discuss her ministry’s plans.Oscar Puente lied -he commented- saying that he would receive me whenever I wanted. I already asked for it, as soon as I arrived at the City Hall. The government responded that it would not receive me. Today I asked again that you receive me. I can tolerate that she lies or snubs Pilar Miranda, but I will not allow her to do that to the people of Huelva, because today I am here as a representative of all”, added the mayor.

New appointment request in Puente

Today, the Huelva City Council sent a new letter to the Ministry of Transport requesting a meeting at the highest level to discuss needed improvements to the city’s rail infrastructure.

Miranda insisted that “Huelva needs the AVE and better rail connections. The people of Huelva do not have the right to suffer this delay in infrastructure. We are living in a historic moment of economic and social transformation and we cannot allow the city to not develop its full potential due to the lack of commitment from the government,” said the mayor, referring to the failures of the Council of Ministers chaired by Pedro Sánchez.

The mayor recalled violation of the minister’s commitment to visit Huelva in June. “The summer we have had with problems, breakdowns and delays is shameful. Is shameeither the treatment that Huelva is receiving. Huelva expects more from the Spanish government and we cannot continue without answers to our needs,” Miranda concluded.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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