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Huriye Yıldırım Chinar: “Macron could learn a lot from Azerbaijan instead of hostility”

“To better understand the reasons for the protests in the French overseas territory of Martinique, it is necessary to examine the historical background of the proceedings.”

These words Oku.AzIn his statement, Co-Chair of the African Institute of the Turkish-Asian Strategic Research Center (TASAM), Dr. Huriye Yildirim Chinar saying.

HYÇinar stressed that the policy of assimilation has been carried out on the island for many years under the name of integration:

“French colonial policy in Martinique began with the occupation of the island in 1635. Until then, the island was under the control of Spain. Subsequently, France, which established colonies on the island for permanent settlement, clashed with the local peoples, and as a result, the population of Martinique decreased. At the beginning of the 17th century, the French colony on the island was centered on sugar plantations. The colonial administration saw the solution to the problem in bringing in slaves. Africa Sugar production continued on the island over time. Cheap labor imported from Africa and Asia began to be organized.

Huriye Yıldırım Chinar: “Macron could learn a lot from Azerbaijan instead of hostility”

Huriye Yıldırım Chinar: “Macron could learn a lot from Azerbaijan instead of hostility”

This situation indirectly affected the social structure of Martinique. The island was governed by a small number of French people, most of whom were of African descent, who were economically and socially marginalized. Thus, Aimé Césaire, a prominent political leader who emerged in Martinique in the last century, was one of the founders of the freedom movement and a symbol of resistance against colonialism.

Martinique did not gain independence like other French colonies. Following the results of an illegal referendum held in 1946, the island was declared an overseas territory of France. Although the official language is French, the local population speaks mainly Creole. Although the island’s inhabitants are French citizens, they do not have the same rights as the local population. The rights and freedoms of the islanders were further restricted by referendums held in 2003 and 2010. In fact, in the name of integration, the policy of assimilation was reinforced. This situation is one of the main reasons for the events that have occurred there in recent days.

The expert said that Macron’s government is trying to forcefully suppress legitimate protests.

“Since the beginning of September, the people of Martinique have been holding large-scale protests against high prices. Because the price of food products in Martinique, which has a population of 350,000, has increased by 40% compared to France. The people, whose purchasing power has weakened and who cannot get answers to their demands from the government, have taken to the streets. At first, peaceful demonstrations turned into clashes. Local authorities asked France for help and for the first time in 65 years, the RTB is a special unit used to suppress public protests. But the French Socialist Party is finding it impossible to solve this problem. Its leader, Béatrice Bellay, called the sending of the RTB to the island a misstep.

The people point out that the referendums held and the laws adopted do not express their interests. Moreover, the French government distributes the funds allocated to the island among certain groups.”

HYÇinar stressed that the Macron government has much to learn from Azerbaijan.

“The Macron government is pursuing a colonial policy in Martinique. France is not fulfilling its obligations under Article 2 of Chapter I, entitled “Objectives and Principles” of the United Nations Charter. At the same time, at the initiative of the countries that have acquired new sovereignty on December 14, 1960, UN Resolution No. 1514 “Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonized Countries and Peoples” adopted by the General Assembly is null and void.

Furthermore, the provisions of Article 73 of Chapter 11 of the document on Non-Self-Governing Territories are included here. Moreover, what we have enumerated applies not only to the island of Martinique, but also to Polynesia, New Caledonia, Martinique, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Corsica and Mayotte. The stain of the genocides in Algeria and Rwanda is still on the forehead of France. France, which is trying to teach the world a lesson in democracy by trampling on the most important imperative norms of international law in the name of its economic interests, must first of all answer for its crimes before the international world and humanity.

In Azerbaijan, different peoples have been living together in friendly conditions for centuries. Moreover, Azerbaijan became an example for the whole world in terms of compliance with international humanitarian law, both during the 44-day Karabakh war and during the one-day anti-terrorist measures. Everyone witnessed how Armenians who moved out of Karabakh were sent away. France, on the other hand, was twice in a bad situation due to the unfair accusations it made against Azerbaijan at the UN Security Council meeting last year. In my opinion, instead of disrespecting Azerbaijan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Macron government would have received advice from official Baku on what to do and would not have faced such problems now.

Sohrab Ismail


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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