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I am a lawyer and this is what the law says when you don’t get your money back at an establishment.

The law is very clear, when you do not return your money to an establishmentexperts know very well what awaits us. This situation is one of the most common that we must take into account before making a purchase or looking for that return that ends up being a reality, above all. These are times of change to which we must prepare, from a simple return, we must keep in mind that every euro counts and is essential for everyone.

When buying, we think more about it and we are more aware of these types of elements that can end up being the ones that accompany us in times when everything is possible. Salaries may have increased, but they have not done so at the same rate as certain changes over time that have ended up being the ones that have made an important difference. There comes a time when you have to be very aware of expenses that can lead to a situation of enormous instability. You will have to adapt to purchases that you must be prepared for, whether they go well or badly, as a consumer you have rights.

You don’t get your money back in an establishment

We buy without thinking about what will happen later.. That is, we are faced with this possibility that we almost never consider and that could end up becoming reality. When we buy something that we do not like and we will have to return to the store.

When it comes to buying, everything is easy. They thank us and help us choose what can be good for us. But above all, if we are faced with a gift, we will not know if we are facing an element that can be the one that accompanies us in these days that we have ahead of us.

We will get some type of item that may end up surprising us and will end up becoming a harsh reality. Vouchers are not always the best option, especially if we have been given a gift and instead of that gift, cash is preferable for us.

Lawyers have an idea of ​​what can happen when you are faced with a type of detail that can be fundamental. The answer to yes is legal, that voucher they gave you instead of money, the stores do not lose money, but continue with that money in hand.

That’s what the law says.

The blog of freelancers and entrepreneurs has the answer to this practice that we must know. Not only as clients, but also as professionals who face a force majeure problem like this. We must prepare ourselves for what awaits us these days.

Continuing this explanation: “This practice is becoming more and more widespread. and it has almost become a habit that, if the product is not used and the purchase receipt is available, customers can go to the establishment and return it without any inconvenience. However, and in accordance with the law, merchants are not obliged to accept returns, except in specific cases where the good is in poor condition or defective and, therefore, is not suitable for sale. “Although it is true that it is not mandatory, most small businesses have been forced to offer this service to satisfy their customers and not see the survival of their business at risk.”

We continue with the explanation: “As the law states, companies are not obliged to accept returns, except in cases where an objective cause arises, such as the product not being in good condition. However, most companies make the decision to implement a return policy for their customers. Many of them, when a return occurs, return the money. Others, on the contrary, offer the possibility of exchanging the item for another of the same value or provide a voucher to spend in the establishment whenever the customer wishes.

What the law says about this practice: “It is important to know that in cases where the refund occurs for objective reasons, the independent will be obliged to return the money to its customers. “If the product or item has a defect, the establishment must accept the return and replace it with another with the same characteristics or return the money,” they added. In other words, in this case, a voucher cannot be used. “The customer can only demand a refund if it is a product that is not in good condition. In this case, it is understood that the product does not comply with the contract and the merchant will have the legal obligation to return the money,” they explained from the OCU. Thus, if the independent does not comply with what the law says, the customer can request a complaint form and send it to the competent official body, which could have a series of consequences for the company.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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