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“I am an old man who is about to retire from where he cannot return.”

Surprisingly summoned by his wife, former vice-president Lucía Topolansky, the former president of Uruguay José “Pepe” Mujica (2010 – 2015) reappeared in public during the closing ceremony of his sector’s electoral campaign policy with a message: “we must work for hope”. Additionally, he gave an exciting farewell when he reappeared at a poll and said he was “an old man who is about to undertake the retirement from which we never return“.

Towards the end of the event of the Popular Participation Movement (MPP), a sector of the left-wing coalition Frente Amplio (FA), in which a speech by Topolansky was planned, and before the presidential candidate of the FA, Yamandú, speaks Orsi, the former senator surprised with an unexpected introduction.

Talk about how – by Mujica’s fragile health– having been unable to participate in the campaign for the October 27 elections, Topolansky said that sometimes “crazy ideas” came to him, such as organizing “a gigantic peloton of cyclists” which would bring together workers, young people, academics and “veterans”. in an “immense mass”.

“But the idea couldn’t be because we were missing a cyclist and we started waiting and we kept waiting,” he said before inviting Orsi and announcing with him to his sides: “You know what? The last cyclist has arrived and he is here, here he is”, referring to former president Mujica.

“This is the first time in 40 years that I have not participated in an electoral campaign while the others are there and I do it because I am fighting against death, at the end of the game, absolutely convinced and conscious, but I had to come here today, so symbolize yourself,” Mujica explained.

“I am an old man who is about to retire from where he will not return, but I’m happy because you’re hereBecause when my arms are gone, there will be thousands of weapons replace the fight and all my life I have said that the best leaders are those who leave a bar that surpasses them with an advantage,” he added.

So, while he mentioned that Today he is alive thanks to his “companion” and for “another woman”, who is his doctor, he insisted on the fact that the “fight” to which, he said, he devoted his life accompanied by Topolansky “continues” and reflected that the new generations “They are going to experience a change in the world that humanity has not experienced.”

“Intelligence is going to be as important as capital, which means that higher education will prevail (…) This is why we must fight for development, to have the economic means that can be put into the heads of those who come,” he said.

It is “the greatest challenge that the country has to face”, underlined the former governor, who was absent from the campaign due to his radiotherapy treatment for cancer and subsequent hospital admissions to treat its digestive consequences.

To meet this challenge, he stressed, “we must speak to the whole country, not have an executive closed in on itself” and get political forces to agree on “four or five national things to fight it.” “No to hatred, no to confrontation. We must work for hope,” he summarized before adding: “I must thank life, because when these weapons disappear, there will be thousands of them. Thank you for existing. We’ll see each other forever.”




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