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“I can propose legislation regarding Bitcoin”

The State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) filed a complaint with the Supreme Court against Se Acabó La Fiesta MEP Alvise Pérez, for its relationship with the alleged pyramid scheme Madeira Investfrom which he allegedly received 100,000 euros to promote the investment platform at public events. The complaint, presented by the head of Madeira Invest, Álvaro Romillo.

In addition, Romillo sent to the Public Ministry, along with the complaint, a series of revealing audios and all the messages that Alvise Pérez exchanged with the businessman. Basically, these writings reveal that they had an agreement in which the agitator was going to give him visibility through his digital community in exchange for obtaining financial security to avoid what he calls the “state persecution”These conversations therefore reveal that Alvise Pérez’s objective was to escape the control of the Court of Auditors.

In addition to this financial security, Alvise Pérez legislative changes promised to give a hand to the businessman when he was key to the government of Feijóo and Abascal. Words that were revealed in some audios published by “”, which compiles months of conversations through different messaging channels.

“The polls are bringing me closer and closer to being the key to the government with Feijóo and Abascal and that means that I can, in a possible government agreement, put as a ‘sine qua non’ a series of laws related to Bitcoin. In other words, that it is actually an impulse between what What is the nation state and what is financial freedom?. That’s why I’m trying to see how I deal with this problem, because I want to defend… Well, I didn’t know whether to defend your company, defend Bitcoin… I don’t know how to do it. and, I say, I’m going to talk to you first,” Alvise Pérez expressed in the audios.

Supreme Court Prosecutor’s Office to Investigate Alvise

In his memorandum presented by the director of Madeira Invest, Álvaro Romilla, The businessman explains that in 2021 he started advising individuals and companies as an expert in “tax evasion”, for which he launched the Madeira Invest Club platform, which offers investors the purchase of digital works of art with the commitment to buy them back within a specified period.

The money thus collected, the letter continues, is kept without being audited or controlled in a place located in Madrid and called Sentinel, which has more than 5,000 anonymous safesWith the money raised, a “business network” was created, Romilla explains, dedicated to catering companies, drive-in cinemas, music festivals or stores, thanks to which he was able to meet the buyback commitments with his customers.

But recently, “the situation has become untenable,” which is why he decided “make oneself available to the authorities to collaborate in the event that the facts constitute a crime”Among the activities described by Romilla in his writings is the delivery on May 27, 2024, before the European elections, of 100,000 euros to Alvise, which could constitute an irregular financing offense.




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